Ovarian cysts are common and usually cause no problems, but a ruptured cyst can be a medical emergency. Women who suspect a ruptured cyst should see a doctor to check for internal bleeding. Oral contraceptives may prevent future cysts, and suspicious cysts can be surgically removed. Most cysts are benign.
A ruptured ovarian cyst occurs when a cyst — basically a fluid-filled blister or sac — forms on a woman’s ovary and then becomes large or full enough to burst or lose its walls. This can be a relatively painful but minor situation, or it can quickly turn into a medical emergency if bleeding occurs. Women who suspect that they have a ruptured ovarian cyst should always see a doctor to confirm that the cyst has ruptured and to make sure there is no internal bleeding.
Ovarian cysts are quite common, particularly in menstruating women. Most appear naturally as part of the ovulation process, such as when a follicle prepares to release an egg. More rarely, ovarian cysts are identified as a type of benign tumor that may contain abnormally located body tissue, such as fat or bone. Some women are especially prone to ovarian cysts, making them more likely to experience a ruptured ovarian cyst. Having had an ovarian cyst before appears to be a good predictor of future ovarian cysts.
Usually, ovarian cysts cause no problems or symptoms other than mild pain and often go away on their own. Many women don’t even know they have ovarian cysts until a doctor notices them during an exam for some other condition. Sometimes, the cysts can cause abdominal pain which prompts a woman to visit a doctor. A ruptured ovarian cyst can cause severe sharp pains and aching pains in the pelvic area.
Often, the pain from a ruptured ovarian cyst will fade and disappear within hours, and the patient will never develop any other symptoms. In the case of a suspected ruptured cyst, it’s best to see a doctor right away rather than waiting at home. This is especially important if feeling lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous accompanies the pain, which may indicate bleeding. An ultrasound will confirm that it is the cause of the problem, rather than another potentially dangerous condition such as ectopic pregnancy or appendicitis. A doctor can make sure that a patient is not bleeding internally from the ruptured ovarian cyst and that there is no infection.
Oral contraceptives may be prescribed to help prevent future ovarian cysts. This only prevents the type of cyst that forms during ovulation and not all cysts. Some ovarian cysts, such as those that get quite large, cause a lot of pain, or look otherwise suspicious, can be surgically removed and examined. Cysts that appear after a woman has reached menopause — and is therefore no longer ovulating — should be watched more closely, as cysts can occasionally be cancerous. The vast majority of ovarian cysts, even those that rupture, are benign and cause no serious or long-lasting medical problems.