A bill of sale is a legal document that transfers ownership of an asset from one party to another. It includes identifying information of both parties, a description of the item being sold, and the agreed price. There are two types: invoice of sale absolute and conditional bill of sale.
The bill of sale is a relatively simple legal document that transfers title to a business from an individual or entity to a new owner. In general, it includes the minimum information necessary to confirm that the transfer of ownership of an asset has taken place. Furthermore, the document states that the transaction was conducted in a manner that was pleasing to all parties involved in the transaction.
This document has emerged as a way to minimize the incidence of fraud and limit the potential for illegal seizure of property. The current basic format has its origins in the 19th century and arose as a means of complying with regulations intended to prevent the abuse of existing laws relating to the acquisition and property or ownership, primarily land.
In essence, the bill of sale today is a document that is drawn up by the seller and is drawn up in an inn that is intended to document all relevant details of the sale. Central to the structure are the names and identifying data relating to both the buyer and the seller. This will always include both the buyer and seller’s legal name and may also include both parties’ permanent physical addresses. A brief description of the item being sold will also be included.
Where there are identifying marks, such as a manufacturer’s signature or serial number, those details are usually included on the bill of sale. A third essential component is the price of the item agreed upon by both parties, whether the remuneration is in cash or in exchange for some other asset. The document is considered complete and binding when both the buyer and the seller sign it.
There are actually two forms of this document. The invoice of sale absolute is used when the title transfer transaction is considered complete. As a condition, the seller acknowledges receipt of payment, transfers title to the buyer, and waives all claims to ownership. The conditional bill of sale allows the seller to gain control of some form of security and to hold the business until such time as the buyer makes the agreed payment in full for the purchased item. In case of non-fulfilment of the purchase contract, this document is used to obtain the permanent right to the guarantee.