Students can save money on college textbooks by shopping smartly, buying used books, renting or borrowing, or sharing with classmates. Waiting until after the first class to purchase a book and looking for coupons or discounts can also help. Campus bookstores often carry used books, and libraries may have multiple copies of frequently used textbooks.
Purchasing college textbooks can be a source of frustration and stress for many students due to the high price of college-level material. While a book by itself may not be particularly expensive, purchasing multiple books for different classes can be a financial loss for students. Despite this difficulty, there are several ways a student can save on college textbooks. Smart shopping, buying used books, renting or borrowing reading material, or sharing a book with a classmate are all ways students can decrease the amount of money they spend on textbooks.
Learning to shop smartly and effectively is essential for a student to start saving money on college textbooks. For example, students can look online and in bookstores for coupons or discounts that can be used on books before term starts, because some vendors have deals specifically targeted at students. Also, it is advisable for the student to wait until after the first class to purchase a book for a course. While purchasing textbooks in advance can be tempting, it can be a disservice to the student if they choose to drop out of the course or if the professor announces a change to the books during the first class period.
Another way for students to save on college textbooks is to buy used textbooks whenever possible. Second-hand books are a popular choice among many students, and most campus bookstores carry multiple copies of used books. Used books can also be purchased online. Although used books are often mistreated and contain annotations and markings made by previous owners, they are generally in good condition for continued use and cost considerably less than new books.
In addition, students can save on textbooks by renting or borrowing. Several campus bookstores also have affordable, discounted rental options if a student chooses not to purchase a book. A person can also rent books online from specialized websites or buy a digital copy of the book, available only for the duration of a period. Another option is to borrow books from a local campus or library, which allows a student the option of forgoing a book purchase altogether. College libraries often keep more than one copy of frequently used textbooks in common courses.
Finally, sharing a book among classmates is another excellent way to save money on college textbooks, and it can be done in a variety of ways. For example, a small group of students might agree to split the cost of a book and then rotate it among the group. Another method would be for one person to buy the book and allow peers to borrow the book for a borrowing fee determined at their discretion.