School violence can range from bullying to extreme acts like shootings. Many schools have programs to address violence, but bullying remains the most common form. Verbal and cyberbullying are also issues. Hazing and gang violence are also problems that schools face.
The term “school violence” can refer to any violence of any degree of severity that occurs in an educational institution. More serious cases of school violence usually involve extreme actions such as shootings or knife attacks, while less serious but still traumatizing acts can involve bullying in the form of physical or even verbal violence. Many schools around the world now have programs in place to recognize and address violence in schools, although the occurrence of violence in schools remains a problem. Bullying is by far the most common form of school violence and the various forms of bullying can make the practice difficult to recognize.
In the past, most people thought of bullying as physical violence aimed at a weaker person, although the various forms of bullying don’t always focus on physical actions. Verbal abuse and even cyberbullying in more recent times have become school violence issues that can put a student at risk. Verbal violence can involve taunting a student, threatening him or taking him away from normal school activities. Cyberbullying has taken this concept to a new level, as bullies can use text messaging, cell phones, and the internet to promote bullying both inside and outside of school. While this is not a physical action, it is still considered bullying because it can have serious negative impacts on the student being bullied.
The most eye-catching incidents of school violence usually involve premeditated attacks on students and faculty. School shootings are the most common of these acts of school violence, and in several cases in the United States and around the world, one or more students have brought guns and other weapons into school with the intention of injuring or killing students and staff. Many schools and school districts have implemented strategies to respond to such scenarios to improve the safety of students, staff and others involved in such violence.
Hazing has historically been a problem of school violence at all levels of educational institutions. Hazing is a practice where a student is harassed, abused or otherwise put at risk as a right of way or initiation into a certain clique or team. Almost all schools have banned hazing as a practice, even though it still occurs frequently. Gangs in schools have also revived the practice and very often gang-associated violence occurs in a much more severe degree.