To protect a bank card, keep the PIN secret, don’t share card information over the phone, and report lost cards immediately. Never share the PIN, create a random string of numbers, and confirm the caller’s identity. If a card is lost, call the bank to cancel it.
You can protect a bank card by keeping your personal identification number (PIN) secret, never giving out bank card information over the phone unless you are sure of the caller’s identity, and reporting lost cards as soon as possible. A PIN number is a secret number that allows a bank card user to spend money from the card, but it is important not to write down the number or give it away to keep the card secure. Also, never give your card information over the phone to someone who has called you and is acting suspiciously, urgently, or confusingly. Finally, lost cards should be reported immediately as they may have fallen into the wrong hands.
If your credit card has a PIN, never share that number with anyone. Sharing a PIN makes it easier for other people to commit identity theft, because it allows them to use the card with few restrictions. Also, your PIN must not be an easily guessable number, such as your date of birth, home or work address, or some other definable number. Create a random string of numbers as long as your financial institution allows and memorize it instead of writing it down. If a financial institution sends you a letter confirming your chosen PIN, destroy it before throwing it away.
A common scam that occurs involves a person asking for credit card information over the phone while claiming to be from the bank. Caller ID can be tricked into showing a number in addition to the real number a person is calling from. Therefore, always confirm the identity of the caller, and if you weren’t expecting the call, hang up and dial the bank’s customer service line to continue the conversation. By calling a number that you know will reach the bank, you are guaranteeing a connection with a bank employee.
If you lose a bank card, call a branch of your bank as soon as you notice the card is missing. Tell the bank that the card was lost and when and then let the bank employees investigate. In most cases, a bank employee will ask a few identifying questions and then proceed to ask questions related to your latest purchases. Determining your recent purchases helps the bank employee understand if anyone has found and used the card. Some people find that their bank cards have been delivered by a good Samaritan, but it’s best to prepare for the worst by calling to cancel the account.
Smart Asset.