Selecting bridesmaids: tips?

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Choosing bridesmaids involves more than just picking your favorite people. Availability, personality conflicts, and comfort levels should be considered to ensure a magical day.

Choosing bridesmaids may seem like one of the easiest decisions to make when planning your wedding, but there are some issues that need to be addressed. While you may assume that you can just pick your favorite people to serve as bridesmaids, it doesn’t always work out that simple.
You will need to make sure that the people you choose as bridesmaids are available and willing to stand by your wedding. Sometimes things like logistics, past obligations, or expenses play a part and prevent people who would otherwise like to take you in from doing so. If you are able to help with expenses or resolve other issues, you may be able to reach a mutually satisfactory conclusion. If not, you may need to ask someone else.

There are also personality issues to consider. If your sister and a friend you’d like to serve as one of your bridesmaids don’t exactly get along, asking both of you to be bridesmaids could prove awkward. While most people assume that loved ones will be able to handle such conflicts for the duration of a special day, you need to determine whether or not this is true for the people you have in mind. You don’t want to risk ruining one of the most important days of your life because of unresolved differences between your bridesmaids.

Also, consider your comfort level and that of your spouse. It’s best to avoid asking someone who makes your loved one uncomfortable, as it’s their day, too. As far as your comfort is concerned, don’t let anyone manipulate you into asking her or someone else to be a bridesmaid if you’d rather not. For example, if your future mother-in-law insists that you ask her daughter about her, she finds a way to politely decline if the idea makes you uncomfortable. If you and your sister-in-law aren’t particularly close, she informs her mother that you’ve already asked longtime friends and family members to be bridesmaids.

Choose the bridesmaids who will be able to help you with last minute details and the ones who will make you feel more at ease. Surrounding yourself with the people closest to you is the surest way to ensure that your wedding is the magical day you desire.

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