Sell insurance: how?

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To sell insurance, agents should become more visible in the community by presenting seminars, visiting doctors’ clinics, setting up booths at events, creating custom postcards, and joining community groups. Networking and word of mouth can increase connections and potential sales.

One of the best ways to sell insurance starts with agent presence and becoming more visible in the community. Presenting a seminar is a good way to get attention. Locate a small restaurant or facility that can seat a good number of people, and send out invitations to a free lunch or desert party. This method will involve an investment, because on a mailing list of 5,000 pieces, you may only receive a 1-2% response and meal costs. However, that payoff can have some nice payoffs. People who show up to your seminar will be more interested and therefore more likely to buy.

While cold calling is a common approach, insurance salespeople are often looking for more innovative and successful practices. Typically, this requires the seller to go where the customers go. If you sell medical insurance, calling doctors’ clinics to set up a morning visit armed with boxes of treats and coffee can help. Talking to nurses, assistants, transcriptionists or other staff may help you recommend them to some of your patients. Handing out pens or other promotional items for employees to use and distribute is another way to get your name and the name of your product out there.

Another way to sell insurance is to set up a booth at a trade show or community event. Make sure your desk is easy to recognize, organized and clean. A bowl of free candy or other freebies can help draw people in. Once you’ve caught someone’s attention, be sure to be nice in describing and selling your product well. Introduce others to your business by distributing literature and holding a prize draw. Create sign-up cards for more information and have a box available with a slot for private responses. If the calendar is dimly lit, see if you can manage an information booth during the open enrollment period at local stores or other areas with high traffic, such as shopping malls.

Creating custom postcards is another creative approach to selling insurance. By sending these postcards to people who are most likely to buy the type of insurance you are selling, you will increase your sales possibilities. You’ll have to purchase targeted mailing lists, but return cards can aid in the success of this venture. Follow-up calls can help increase your chance of selling to potential buyers who are still on the fence.

Another way to sell insurance is to join groups and make yourself known in the community. Your membership in a Rotary club, book group, church group, or other community organization allows you to network with your contemporaries. Make a good impression on them and word of mouth can increase your connection with family and friends who might be interested in your services. Volunteer programs are another way to increase your visibility, which can help you sell insurance while doing something good for yourself and your community.

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