Severe acid reflux: what is it?

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Severe acid reflux causes frequent heartburn and can lead to complications such as erosion of the esophagus. Treatment options include medication, lifestyle changes, and surgery. In some cases, acid reflux can cause complications like esophagitis and Barrett’s esophagus.

Severe acid reflux is a medical condition characterized by frequent episodes of severe heartburn and the emergence of complications such as erosion of the esophagus caused by prolonged irritation. People with severe acid reflux should receive treatment to prevent further complications from occurring. Treatment will also address the pain and discomfort and may resolve other problems such as asthma complicated by heartburn and insomnia caused by recurring upper chest pain.

In acid reflux disease, the sphincter in the lower part of the esophagus designed to keep stomach acid out of the esophagus weakens, allowing acid to enter the esophagus, especially when patients are lying down or after finishing a meal. large meal. While the tissue in this area of ​​the body is very tough, it can become irritated if it is chronically exposed to stomach acid. The patient experiences an unpleasant burning sensation and may feel pressure in the chest, and symptoms such as coughing, difficulty swallowing and belching may also develop.

In severe acid reflux, flare-ups are very common and the patient may experience complications such as esophagitis, an inflammation of the esophagus caused by chronic exposure to stomach acid. Patients may also have esophageal strictures, in which the tissue in the esophagus narrows and stiffens due to inflammation. Some patients also have a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, a precursor to cancerous growth in the esophagus. These complications indicate that the acid reflux has been occurring over a long period of time, long enough to cause changes in the tissue of the esophagus.

Acid reflux doesn’t always cause heartburn. In silent acid reflux, the patient’s larynx becomes eroded from the damage caused by stomach acid, and the patient may cough frequently, wheeze, and have difficulty speaking clearly. In all cases of severe acid reflux, doctors use diagnostic tools such as examining the throat and esophagus, taking biopsy samples, and checking for conditions with similar symptoms, such as angina. If the doctor determines that the patient has severe acid reflux, treatment options can be discussed.

Medication can sometimes fix the problem, as can lifestyle changes. Some people experience relief when they lose weight, wear looser clothing, and avoid certain foods. Other patients may need surgery to repair the sphincter. Surgery is invasive, but it may be the best treatment option for a patient who is struggling with severe acid reflux when other means of treatment fail. Patients can discuss treatment options with their doctors to develop a treatment plan tailored to their needs.

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