A sexual harassment policy outlines unacceptable behavior and consequences for violations in the workplace, schools, and public institutions. It typically includes specific examples and procedures for reporting and punishment for offenders. It is the responsibility of employers and educators to create and distribute these policies.
A sexual harassment policy is a document made available to workplace employees, students and teachers of a school, and other members of a group to indicate unacceptable behavior. These types of behaviors are usually what constitute sexual harassment, and while specific behaviors may vary between policies, many of them will have similar characteristics. This type of policy will also typically state how violations of the policy can be reported, as well as the possible consequences for those violations. A sexual harassment policy is usually posted in a visible area of a workplace and is often distributed to new employees or students.
It is typically the responsibility of business owners or those charged with running a business or school to create and distribute a sexual harassment policy. In many countries, including the United States, sexual harassment is illegal in the workplace, in schools and in public institutions. Laws that identify and criminalize forms of sexual harassment typically also require employers and educators to clearly educate employees and students about what forms of behavior are unacceptable through the use of a sexual harassment policy.
A sexual harassment policy will typically state what types of behaviors are considered forms of sexual harassment, often with specific examples. This usually includes words, images and physical acts that are sexual in nature and make someone else feel threatened or emotionally distressed. However, sexual harassment does not always have to include explicit or sexual language, and comments regarding gender discrimination or gender-based harassment are often part of a sexual harassment policy. Also forms of sexual harassment are actions taken by employees, managers and other individuals in a workplace or other institution that create an environment that is hostile or threatening to someone based on gender or sexual identity or preferences.
While a sexual harassment policy often tells you what behaviors are considered forms of sexual harassment, it usually also tells you how to handle that harassment. The policy will usually outline procedures for reporting sexual harassment, as well as where such reports should be made. A sexual harassment policy will also typically outline the types of punishment they can expect from anyone who sexually harasses someone else or someone who falsely accuses someone else of harassment. These punishments can include dismissal, expulsion from a public school or institution, and criminal penalties for threats of violence or extreme behavior.