Ligaments stabilize joints, and when torn, joint function is impaired. Signs of a torn ligament include pain, bruising, swelling, and immobility. Athletes are more at risk, and the RICE treatment should be used first. Surgery may be recommended under severe circumstances, followed by physical therapy to restore mobility and strengthen the affected ligaments.
A ligament is a band of tissue that helps joints function properly. Ligaments stabilize joints, so when a ligament tears, joint function is impaired. The signs of a torn ligament can vary depending on the severity of the injury, as can the treatments for such injuries. Pain is, of course, one of the most common signs of a torn ligament, although the pain can be accompanied by bruising, swelling, immobility, and even a snapping sound when the ligament tears. Treatments can range from simple rest to more complex surgery to repair damaged ligaments.
Athletes are more at risk of experiencing the signs of a torn ligament. If any of the signs should present, it is recommended that the athlete stop the activity she was participating in to prevent further injury which may complicate healing. The RICE treatment should be used first; RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. These actions promote blood flow to the injury, which will provide valuable oxygen for faster healing times. The RICE treatment will also help minimize swelling and may also help reduce pain.
Pain and lack of mobility are signs of a torn ligament that indicate a serious problem. If these signs are accompanied by bruising and swelling, the injured person should seek immediate medical attention. A doctor may recommend simply immobilizing the affected joint for an extended period of time, although surgery may be recommended under certain severe circumstances. The ligaments will need to be repaired through surgery to ensure the joint is stable, although after an operation, the injured person is likely to experience reduced mobility and possibly even weakness in the joint. The joint may or may not recover fully, leading the injured person to require a brace or other support while exercising.
After adequate healing time has been allowed to address the signs of a torn ligament, the injured person is likely to undergo physical therapy aimed at restoring mobility and strengthening the affected ligaments. These ligaments will weaken during the recovery period, so physical therapy will strengthen them to promote proper joint function. It is advisable to undergo physical therapy under the guidance of a professional physical therapist, although some people may choose to do physical therapy on their own if they have sufficient knowledge of proper physical therapy practices.