Soil analysis: what is it?

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Soil analysis measures soil nutrients to evaluate fertility and increase crop yield. Samples are sent to labs, and accuracy depends on quality of samples. Results vary by harvest time and soil history. Reports include nutrient percentages, pH, and fertilizer recommendations.

A soil analysis is a comprehensive test that measures the level of nutrients in the soil. The analysis is used to evaluate soil fertility and to determine ways to increase fertility levels. Soil samples are sent to laboratories specializing in soil analysis services. Laboratories provide samples, shipping instructions, and sometimes kits to help their customers obtain quality soil samples.

Soil analysis is a necessary tool for most professional farmers who want to maximize crop yield. Home gardeners may also find the test helpful, particularly if they have difficulty growing food or plants on their property. The amount of land needed for a comprehensive soil area report will depend on the size of the garden or farm.

Soil samples can be collected for testing at any time of the year as long as the soil has not recently received a fertilizer application. Most labs recommend soil testing at least once a year. Soil analysis results will differ depending on when the soil was harvested. Early spring soil sample reports will show what types of nutrients have remained in the soil over the winter; Spring soil sample reports will show what types of nutrients are needed for the upcoming growing season.

The accuracy of the soil analysis will depend on the quality of the soil samples. Most labs do not recommend testing soil that has been exposed to prolonged drought or soil that has become so dry that plants cannot grow in it. The ideal soil sample is collected on flat, well-drained land that has been used exclusively for planting. Any soil contamination from past land uses will affect the accuracy of the soil test; for example, if there was once a barn on the land or if the land had been used to compost animal manure.

The soil sample should be collected in a clean and properly labeled container. Gardeners and farmers should keep a map of where they collected all their specimens. The lab may also request a soil history report, such as what types of crops are grown in the area, to improve the accuracy of the soil report.

The complete soil analysis report will contain the percentages of micro and macro nutrients in the soil, including magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The report will also include soil pH and may include a measure of the amount of compost and manure in the soil. The report’s recommendation will provide specific information on the types of fertilizers and the amount of fertilizers to be applied to the soil to achieve optimal soil fertility.

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