Statistical significance determines if an experiment’s outcome is due to specific factors or chance. It’s used in medicine, psychology, and other fields. A hypothesis is proposed, data is collected and analyzed, and a number is produced that’s statistically significant if it falls below a certain percentage. The null hypothesis holds that there’s no connection between factors. Statistical significance is used to reject or accept the null hypothesis. Every experiment has some degree of error, and statistical significance excludes the possibility of chance.
Statistical significance is a mathematical tool used to determine whether the outcome of an experiment is the result of a relationship between specific factors or simply the result of chance. This concept is commonly used in the medical field to test drugs and vaccines and to determine the causal factors of disease. The statistical meaning is also used in the fields of psychology, environmental biology, and other disciplines where research is conducted through experimentation.
Statistics are the mathematical calculations of numerical sets or populations that are manipulated to produce a probability of the occurrence of an event. A sample is taken, and the results of the calculation are applied to an entire population. For example, it could be said that 80% of all adults in the United States drive a car. It would be difficult to ask every adult in the US if they drive a car, so a random number of people could be questioned and the data could be statistically analyzed and generalized to apply to all adults in the US
In a scientific study, a hypothesis is proposed, then data is collected and analyzed. Statistical analysis of the data will produce a number that is statistically significant if it falls below a certain percentage called the confidence level or significance level. For example, if this level is set at 5 percent and the probability of an event is determined to be statistically significant, the researcher is 95 percent sure that the outcome did not happen by chance.
Sometimes, when the statistical significance of an experiment is very important, such as the safety of a drug intended for humans, the statistical significance must fall below 3%. In this case, a researcher could be 97 percent sure that a particular drug is safe for human use. This number can be lowered or raised to fit the importance and desired certainty that the result is correct.
Statistical significance is used to reject or accept what is called the null hypothesis. A hypothesis is an explanation that a researcher is trying to prove. The null hypothesis typically holds that the factors a researcher is looking at have no effect on differences in the data, or that there is no connection between the factors. Statistical significance is usually written, for example, as t=.02, p. Here, “t” stands for test score and “pAn example of a psychological hypothesis using statistical significance would be the hypothesis that girls smile more than boys. To test this hypothesis, a researcher would look at a certain number of girls and boys and count how many times they smiled in a certain period of time. At the end of the observation, the number of smiles would be statistically analysed.
Every experiment has some degree of error. It is possible that all the boys were abnormally grumpy on the day of the observation. The statistical significance revealed by the data analysis would exclude this possibility by 95% if t=.03. In this case, with 95 percent certainty, the researcher could say that girls smile more than boys.