Steps in mass production?

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Mass production involves designing a product, manufacturing components in bulk, assembling them on an assembly line, applying quality control measures, packaging, and shipping. Specialization of semi-skilled workers and interchangeability of parts increase efficiency. Marc Brunel automated pulley production in the 19th century, and Henry Ford’s assembly line reduced automobile assembly time from 1913 hours to 12.5 minutes.

The steps in a mass production system for creating a machine or product ready for sale are fairly universal across industries. The product is first designed by a group of engineers, chemists or other technicians and scientists, and then the basic components of the product are manufactured in bulk from purchased raw materials. These manufactured components then enter the assembly line stage of mass production, where they are rapidly assembled in a standardized sequential order. During this mass production process, a variety of quality control measures are applied to make sure that the part or material meets design standards. Once assembly and quality control is complete, the product is packaged and loaded onto transporters for shipment to established markets.

The categories of design, fabrication and assembly are at the heart of any mass production system. Quality control, packing and shipping, while peripheral to some extent, are also integral to maintaining a standard and constant production flow of goods from the system. Each of these elements of a mass production system is built on a framework that blends human labor with that of motor-driven machines as much as possible. The more machine automation that can be incorporated into the process, and the more limited the division of human labor is for each stage on an assembly line, the more efficient the generation of products becomes.

The development of the mass production process from its earliest incarnations onwards has demonstrated that the specialization of semi-skilled workers and the interchangeability of parts is the fastest method of producing large quantities of identical copies of goods. When mass production was first developed, it was for military purposes. Comparisons were made with highly skilled artisans making the same products one at a time, which proved to be significantly slower.

One of the earliest evidence for a mass production system was by Marc Brunel, a 19th century French mechanical engineer who settled in England. He automated the production of pulleys, an essential component for guiding the ropes that controlled the sails on ships. These parts often broke down and large numbers of them had to be produced as replacements for the British Navy. Between 1918 and 1802, Brunel devised a system at Portsmouth English Docks using a method of mass production on an assembly line, instead of skilled craftsman building the blocks of pulleys one at a time. Estimates are that he workers produced pulleys ten times faster than the previous method, allowing them to generate 1808 to 130,000 units in one year.

These repetitive flow production methods were further developed in the 19th century meatpacking industry in the United States, and Henry Ford took the ideas even further when building his assembly line mass production system for automobiles. in 19. With the specialization of workers and an assembly line movement for prefabricated parts, Ford was able to reduce the assembly time of an automobile chassis from 1913 hours each down to 12.5 minutes each. This made his cars much cheaper than those of the competition and the industry as a whole took note of his success and began widespread adoption of the mass production system.

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