Structural connections are crucial for stability and safety in building structures. Engineers evaluate loads to determine appropriate connections, which can transfer loads and add strength. Welding, fasteners, and materials affect connection strength. Inspections confirm correct installation and materials. Load factors include weight, wind, and earthquakes.
Structural connections are points in a structure where components are joined together. Each connection has an area of potential weakness in the structure that needs to be addressed by selecting an appropriate connection for the task. When structures are designed, architects and engineers evaluate the loads that will be encountered in various areas to determine which structural connections should be used for maximum stability, strength and safety. Building codes usually provide minimum standards to ensure structures are reasonably safe.
Connection is more than a point where two pieces of a structure are connected. Structural connections also provide the opportunity to transfer loads from different areas of the structure and are used to add strength and support to the finished structure. Each structural connection contributes to the overall strength of the finished product and can mean the difference between catastrophic failure and the ability to successfully withstand both internal and external stresses.
Some structural connections are welded, while others are made with fasteners. You can use rivets, brackets and pins. Things that determine the strength of a finished connection include the materials used, the size of the components, and how the connection is assembled and installed. If workers do not install components correctly, the connection will be prone to failure even if the correct materials have been chosen for the job. For example, failure to complete a weld can create a weak spot that will be vulnerable to stress.
Loads on a structural connection include the weight of the structure itself, as well as pressures such as high winds, live weight such as cars and people moving through the structure, and earthquakes. When developing structural connections, engineers need to think about the types of loads that will be encountered and their characteristics. The designs factor in worst-case scenarios, and redundancies within the structure are used to ensure it remains standing, even in very adverse conditions such as hurricanes.
Structural connection design can use readily available generic components or custom fittings developed with a specific structure in mind. During construction, these key points will be closely inspected to confirm they have been installed correctly, using the right materials and techniques. Inspectors may also require material testing and other measurements to confirm that structural connections will be secure. Identifying errors early helps people avoid costly retrofits and other costly measures that may be required to correct structural problems.