Subtalar arthrodesis is a surgical treatment for ankle pain when other methods fail. The procedure involves fusing the subtalar joint, limiting ankle movement and causing potential discomfort. Patients should ask questions and seek an experienced surgeon.
Subtalar arthrodesis is a surgical treatment for intractable ankle pain, which involves fusion of the subtalar joint within the ankle. This method of treatment is offered as a last resort when the pain cannot be managed by other means. There are risks to this procedure, as with any surgery, and it will also limit the free movement of the ankle, potentially causing discomfort or discomfort for the patient. The surgery can be performed by a foot and ankle surgeon or an orthopedic surgeon. It is advisable to select a surgeon with substantial experience with arthrodesis procedures for the best possible outcome.
The subtalar joint of the ankle includes the calcaneus and talus bones. Pain can develop in this joint for a variety of reasons, including degenerative bone disease, arthritis, or a fracture. Early treatment options for pain may include pain management medications, nerve block procedures to limit pain signals, and the use of anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling. Treatment of the underlying medical problem may also be pursued to address the pain, as can physical therapy to gently flex and strengthen the joint.
If these measures fail, subtalar arthrodesis may be performed. In this procedure, the patient will be anesthetized and the surgeon will make an incision in the ankle to access the joint. Using pins and other devices, the surgeon brings the bones together, encouraging them to fuse. Eventually, the joint will fuse and become completely solid. During subtalar arthrodesis surgery, the surgeon may also address bone fragments and any other problems that may have developed around the injured joint.
Because this procedure limits movement of the ankle, care must be taken when fusing the bones to select the best possible position for the ankle joint. This is designed to create minimal discomfort for the patient and to stabilize the joint as completely as possible. After subtalar fusion surgery, the patient should avoid putting weight on the ankle while the surgical site heals. Follow-up exams will be used to evaluate healing and confirm fusion within the joint.
If a physician recommends a subtalar arthrodesis, the patient should ask a few questions to make an informed decision about the procedure. Good questions to ask include why the procedure is recommended, whether there are alternatives, how long your recovery time should take, and how experienced the surgeon is. Patients may consider undergoing several surgical consultations to obtain a second opinion, and may also ask about the possibility of participating in a clinical trial to study new treatments for subtalar joint pain.