Sulfuric Acid vs. Phosphoric Acid: What’s the Link?

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Sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid are similar in chemical structure and can be used as catalysts for the same chemical reactions. Sulfuric acid is more strongly acidic and corrosive, while phosphoric acid is safer for digestion. Sulfuric acid is used to make phosphoric acid for fertilizers. Both acids dissociate multiple times and can stabilize the acidic properties of a solution. Sulfuric acid is more effective in some biological tasks but can be toxic, while phosphoric acid is less corrosive and works better in other experiments.

The most important connection between sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid is usually that one is needed to make the other: Phosphoric acid is created when sulfuric acid interacts with tricalcium phosphate, a chemical compound found widely in soil. In many important respects, the acids are very similar, although the sulfuric version tends to be much more strongly acidic and is often more corrosive and potentially dangerous as a result. Researchers and students often use the weaker phosphoric version in labs and simulated tests because it performs nearly identically under most circumstances without being quite as potent. In particular, when diluted, sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid can both be used as catalysts for the same chemical reactions. They have such parallel properties that their United Nations and North American identification numbers for warnings and dangers are the same.

Chemical and physical similarities
The two acids have very similar chemical structures when viewed at a microscopic level. The main difference between them is a hydrogen atom and the central acidic element. For example, the chemical formula of sulfuric acid is H2SO4; it is made entirely of hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen. Phosphoric acid, on the other hand, bears the formula H3PO4. It has additional hydrogen and contains phosphorus instead of sulfur. However, phosphorus and sulfur are closely related. When sulfur interacts with the right components and under the right circumstances, it can actually turn into phosphorus. This connection affects nearly every element arrangement.

Scientists have a couple of different ways to differentiate acids right away, some of which are simpler than others. Color, texture, and odor are usually some of the first hints, but in all these respects, sulfuric and phosphoric acids are identical. In fact, the properties are so similar that these two are often classified in the same chemical category. Both are colorless liquids that are explosive if added improperly to water. They are also corrosive and are strong oxidizing agents when exposed to most materials, especially metals.

Use in titration
Acids act as catalysts, which means they help a reaction go faster by bonding certain groups of atoms together. Sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid are similar in size, shape, and electrical charge. They act almost identically as catalysts: In fact, many classes of chemistry will mimic industrial processes that normally require sulfuric acid by blending phosphoric acid instead, which is safer. Organisms often use phosphoric acid, which makes it much safer than sulfuric acid when digested.

A property of acids, called dissociation, determines the number of times an acid breaks down. Sulfuric acid is diprotonic which means it separates twice and phosphoric acid is triprotonic which means it separates three times. This allows both to be used as buffers, meaning they can stabilize the acidic properties of a solution. Sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid are used because they dissociate multiple times.

Use in manufacturing and industry
Most of the sulfuric acid consumed is used in the fertilization industry. This is not because sulfuric acid is good for plants, but because it is used to make phosphoric acid. In the wet process, phosphorus-rich rocks are mined and mixed with sulfuric acid. This releases gas and phosphoric acid in lower concentrations. Phosphoric acid is finally added to the soil to produce phosphorus-rich fertilizer.
Corrosion considerations
In biology, sulfuric acid can often perform the same tasks as phosphoric acid. This connection comes from ancient organisms using sulfuric acid; modern organisms use phosphoric acid because it is less corrosive. Experiments are being done to test this connection and understand why sulfuric acid is better at certain tasks, such as breaking down food. In some cases, sulfuric acid has become toxic to organisms and phosphoric acid works much better. In other experiments, the results are surprising because sulfuric acid causes no damage and is faster than phosphoric acid.

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