Surgical occupations have many specialties and sub-specialties, including general surgery and specialized surgeries for specific areas or types of patients. Some of the principal surgical occupations include orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, otorhinolaryngological surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, surgical oncology, anesthesiology, transplant surgery, and trauma surgery. Pediatric surgery is also a specialty.
There are many types of surgical occupations, therefore there are inúmeras specialties and sub-specialties in this field of medicine. Those who practice surgery end up in the faculty of medicine and find a program of surgical residency. Após concluir isso, eles podem trabalhar como cirurgiões gerais. Surgeryes gerais are carried out many different types of surgery in various principal organs. Meanwhile, surgical jobs may go to general surgery and specialize in our surgical treatments in a specific area of the body, such as the squeal system, central nervous system, or cardiothoracic system. As an alternative, a surgery may not only specialize in certain areas of the body, but also in types of patients, such as pediatric and adult.
Some of the principal occupations and specialties of surgery include orthopedic surgery, plastic surgery, otorhinolaryngological surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, surgical oncology, anesthesiology, transplant surgery and trauma surgery. Each one of them can have different training times that vary and each one can use a small amount of explanations:
Orthopedic surgery can be two of the best surgical tasks for people who want to concentrate on the musculoskeletal system. These surgeries can do some surgery on the vertebral column, correct dramatically damaged bones and help repair our bones or muscular ligaments as a result of trauma or injury during sports.
Plastic surgeries are concentrated in two areas, plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery. While some people can have plastic surgery like focada only in appearance, it is not true. Some plastic surgeons work hard to rebuild the damage to the bone or to other parts of the body due to congenital or acidic problems. Many surgical tasks in the field are shared equally between reconstructive and cosmetic.
The otorhinolaryngological surgery is specialized in necessary surgeries no ouvido, nariz, garganta, seios nasais e, às vezes, pescoço ou cabeça. Esses cirurgiões removem amígdalas, podem reparar fissures no palate or remove tumors dos seios da face,
Cardiothoracic surgery treated the damage to the heart and the valves to the redor. Surgery can add derivations, replace valves, remove parts of the heart with excess growth or retain parts that are not working well with the best of surgical techniques.
Neurosurgery treats conditions that affect the central nervous system. These surgeries can perform brain surgery, but also can perform surgery on the vertebral column or processes on our damaged peripheral nerves.
A vascular surgery can be examined with neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery. This field concentrates on the treatment of disorders that may occur in veins and arteries.
A Oncologia Cirúrgica treats or cancer by removing cancerous cells by surgical methods.
Anesthesiology is considered to be one of the surgeries, generally speaking or anesthesia management during surgeries performed by other people.
Transplant surgery concentrates on the substitution of damaged organs by organs of live fish or fish that die.
Trauma surgeries are able to perform a variety of different surgeries in emergency situations.
Another specialty that is specifically mentioned is pediatric surgery, which is concentrated in the treatment of children. Many pediatric surgeons also specialize in a specific surgical area. For example, there are pediatric cardiothoracic surgeons, pediatric orthopedic surgeons, pediatric neurosurgeons and pediatric surgical oncologists, to name but a few. The training is going to be longer for those who want surgery jobs in pediatrics.