Nose cancer symptoms can be mistaken for other conditions, but common signs include a runny nose, nosebleeds, postnasal drip, facial pressure or pain, and a sore or lump that doesn’t heal. Swelling, blurry vision, and ear infections may also occur.
Nose cancer occurs when cancerous cells are found in or around the sinuses or nasal cavity, because these are the two main areas that make up the nose. Symptoms of this type of cancer can be confused with signs of other conditions, such as skin cancer, while some patients never notice any symptoms. Some of the more common symptoms of nose cancer include a runny nose, frequent nosebleeds, and postnasal drip. In many cases, the entire face appears to be affected; the eyes may swell, the gums may hurt, and there may be pressure in the ears. Cancer cells often form a sore or lump that lasts for months or years, causing some patients to suspect cancer even if they have no other symptoms.
Many patients first notice a runny nose that doesn’t go away as well as they would expect, meaning the problem may be more than just a cold. This problem can cause persistent postnasal drip. Another of the most common symptoms of nose cancer is nasal congestion, especially if it affects one nostril more than the other, because cancer often starts by affecting only one side of the nose. Patients may also get a nosebleed frequently when it comes to nose cancer and may find it particularly difficult to stop the bleeding. Sudden loss of smell is another common sign of nose cancer.
The most common symptoms of nose cancer usually affect more than just the nose, with one of the typical problems being a feeling of pressure or pain throughout the face. This can lead to frequent headaches. The eyes are also often affected and may become swollen, watery, and prone to blurry or double vision. Patients often experience pressure in the ears and recurring infections in one or both ears. It can be difficult to open your mouth, and your gums often become tender, resulting in discomfort for many patients experiencing these symptoms of nose cancer.
Some patients have few bothersome symptoms, but may notice an abnormal growth in or near the nose. A sore or lump that never seems to heal should be checked by a doctor, even if there are no other symptoms of nose cancer. The growth can be anywhere on the face, although the most common areas are on or inside the nose, neck and palate.