10th Amendment: US Constitution?

The Tenth Amendment grants states powers not given to the federal government, limiting it to powers expressly mentioned in the Constitution. It does not strip away implied powers granted under the necessary and proper clause. States have used the amendment to challenge federal interference in environmental and labor regulations. The federal government grants many powers […]

June 10th event?

Benjamin Franklin conducted electrical experiments, Saab released its first car, Alcoholics Anonymous was founded, the first class of the US Naval Academy graduated, Joe Nuxhall became the youngest major league baseball player, James Earl Ray escaped from prison, NASA launched the Spirit Rover to Mars, the last episode of The Sopranos aired, the first witch […]

May 10th event?

Supreme Court ruled tomatoes as vegetables in 1893, Rutherford B. Hayes had the first phone installed in the White House in 1877, and the transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869. Other events include Victoria Woodhall becoming the first female presidential nominee, FBI agent Robert Hanssen’s life sentence for selling secrets, J. Edgar Hoover becoming acting […]

July 10th: what occurred?

Noriega sentenced to 40 years for drug trafficking, later reduced to 30; Mel Blanc, voice of Bugs Bunny, dies; DNA evidence suggests humans originated in East Africa; Coca-Cola ends New Coke after consumer backlash; Scopes Monkey Trial begins in Tennessee; Great Fire of London in 1212 kills thousands; Big Ben clock tower in London chimes […]

Aug 10th: What occurred?

David Berkowitz, the “Son of Sam” serial killer, was arrested and sentenced to six life sentences. The Smithsonian Institute was founded by James Smithson’s donation. Charles Manson and his followers were convicted of murder. John Walsh’s son was kidnapped and killed, leading to the creation of America’s Most Wanted. NASA’s Magellan probe mapped Venus. The […]

Mar 10th: What occurred?

Bell made the first phone call (1876); Ray pleaded guilty to shooting Martin Luther King (1969); Book of the Month Club published its first selection (1936); Tibetan Rebellion began (1959); French Foreign Legion established (1831); Medina charged with war crimes for My Lai massacre (1970); First Punic War ended (241 BC); Columbus left the New […]

What occurred on Sep 10th?

In 1897, the first drunk driver was arrested in London, fined 25 shillings. In 1977, Hamida Djandoubi became the last person executed by guillotine. The Large Hadron Collider fired its first proton beams in 2008. Gunsmoke, the longest-running primetime drama series in American television history, debuted in 1955. Switzerland joined the United Nations as its […]

Jan 10th: What occurred?

AOL merged with Time Warner, the Treaty of Versailles ended WWI, the London Underground opened, the first major source of oil was discovered in America, Lend-Lease program was introduced, Napoleon divorced Josephine, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River, Common Sense was published, Vatican and US entered into diplomatic relations, and Masterpiece Theater premiered on PBS. […]

Dec 10th: What occurred?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the UN in 1948. Other events include women’s right to vote in the US (1869), the first Nobel prizes awarded (1901), King Edward VIII’s resignation (1936), and the Treaty of Paris ending the Spanish-American War (1898). The first road signs and traffic lights were installed in […]

Nov 10th: What occurred?

The Vietnam Memorial opened in Washington DC, Kate Smith sang God Bless America for the first time, the Iwo Jima Memorial was dedicated, the US Marine Corps was founded, the first coast-to-coast direct telephone service was established, the Wilmington Uprising occurred, the end of World War I was announced, the windshield wiper was patented, Major […]

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