Nov 12th: What occurred?

Stalin became the Soviet Union’s leader, Ellis Island closed, and the first meteor shower in North America was recorded. MLB elected its first commissioner, and the first photos of Saturn’s rings were transmitted. The Battle of Guadalcanal began, and “The Nose” was climbed for the first time. President Ford became the longest-serving US president, and […]

July 12th: what occurred?

The Rolling Stones gave their first concert in London (1962). 1,300 miners were illegally deported in Bisbee, Arizona (1917). The Moors murderers began their killing spree (1963). A heat wave in the Midwest killed 1,000 people (1995). Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman to run for a major political party in the US (1984). The […]

12th amendment: what is it?

The Twelfth Amendment changed the Electoral College process for electing the president and vice president, requiring each elector to have one vote for each position. If no candidate wins a majority, the House of Representatives votes on the top three presidential candidates, while the Senate votes on the top two vice presidential candidates. The amendment […]

Sep 12th: What occurred?

Hitler demands Sudetenland reunite with Germany (1938). NASA launches 50th space shuttle mission, Endeavour (1992). US declares war on terror (2001). Train collision kills 25 due to texting driver (2008). Lascaux cave paintings discovered (1940). SS Central America sinks with gold (1857). Bonanza debuts in color (1959). Johnny Cash dies (2003). Hitler demands that the […]

Aug 12th event?

Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashed, killing 520 people in 1985. The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb in 1953. Swiss banks agreed to pay back US$1.25 billion to Holocaust survivors in 1998. Thirteen Jewish poets and intellectuals were executed in the “Night of the Murdered Poets” in 1952. The California Supreme Court annulled 4,000 […]

Feb 12th: What occurred?

American POWs were released from Vietnam War (1973), Coolidge delivered first radio address (1924), last emperor of China abdicated (1912), women gained right to vote in Utah (1870), Lincoln Memorial cornerstone laid (1914), Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” premiered (1924), San Francisco issued same-sex marriage licenses (2004), Solzhenitsyn exiled from Russia (1974), first spacecraft landed on […]

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