Oct 13th: What occurred?

Italy declared war on Germany in 1943, shifting alliances in World War II. The Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered in 1773, while the US Senate refused to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty in 1999. The longitudinal meridian of Universal Time was established in 1884, and the White House’s construction began in 1792. The United States […]

Feb 13th: What occurred?

Leonardo da Vinci’s personal notebooks were discovered in Madrid (1967), the Lumière brothers patented the cinematograph (1894), astronomers found a diamond-like white dwarf star (2004), the Battle of Chipyong-ni began (1951), La Citoyenne feminist newspaper was founded (1881), ASCAP was founded (1912), Galileo was tried for heresy (1633), Switzerland’s neutrality was recognized by the League […]

Dec 13th: What occurred?

Saddam Hussein captured (2003); Nanjing massacre begins (1937); first successful abdominal surgery performed (1809); GW Bush declared winner of 2000 election; Permanent Court of International Justice established (1920); Sir Francis Drake sets out to circumnavigate the globe (1577); production of Susan B. Anthony dollar begins (1978); first American furs exported (1621); Getty Center opens in […]

What’s the 13th amendment?

The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States, with Congress given the power to implement the law. It was passed in 1865 and was the first of three Reconstruction Amendments following the American Civil War. The amendment could not prevent the rise of Black Codes, but the 14th and 15th Amendments […]

Which states didn’t ratify the 13th amendment?

Mississippi ratified the 13th amendment, which banned slavery, in 1995, 130 years after it was originally ratified. Kentucky and Delaware ratified it in 1976 and 1901, respectively. The Emancipation Proclamation only abolished slavery in Confederate states. Some have tried to use the 13th amendment to avoid school-mandated community service, but courts ruled it did not […]

May 13th event?

Jamestown founded as first European settlement in America (1607). Pope John Paul II shot by Turkish mercenary (1981). Velcro® trademark registered (1958). First Fleet sailed to Australia with criminals (1787). Our Lady of Fatima apparitions reported (1917). Battle of the sexes tennis match played (1973). Julian of Norwich received visions (1373). US declared war on […]

May 13th, what occurred?

Jamestown founded as the first European settlement in America (1607). Pope John Paul II shot but survived (1981). Velcro® trademark registered (1958). First Fleet sailed to Australia with criminals (1787). Our Lady of Fatima apparitions accepted by Catholic church (1917). Battle of the sexes tennis match played (1973). Julian of Norwich received her visions (1373). […]

What’s Fri the 13th?

Friday the 13th is associated with superstition and fear in many cultures, with a phobia called paraskavedekatriaphobia. Fear of Friday and the number 13 is rooted in cultural traditions and numerology. While some people dread this day, others regard it as an old superstition. Sometimes, the 13th of the month falls on a Friday. This […]

Did 13th Amendment end US slavery?

The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution allows involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime, leading to prisoners being forced to work for little or no pay. Compulsory prison labor generates at least $2 billion annually, with the US having the largest prison population in the world. Every American learns in school that the 13th […]

Nov 13th: What occurred?

The US Supreme Court ended public bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama (1956). Mariner 9 became the first spacecraft to orbit Mars (1971). President George W. Bush allowed military courts to prosecute foreign suspects (2001). The AK-47 assault rifle was completed (1947). Cyclone Bhola hit Bangladesh, resulting in 500,000 deaths (1970). Iraq accepted UN Resolution 1441 […]

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