What’s the 17th amendment?

The 17th amendment to the US Constitution requires senators to be elected by popular vote and provides changes to filling mid-term vacancies. It replaced an earlier article that required state legislatures to elect senators. Prior to the amendment, state legislatures elected senators to prevent uninformed voters from electing unqualified candidates. The concept of direct election […]

June 17th event?

Amelia Earhart flew over the Atlantic, later disappeared. Statue of Liberty arrived in US as a gift from France. Watergate burglars arrested, led to Nixon’s resignation. OJ Simpson arrested for murder. Population Registration Act repealed in South Africa. Union Station massacre occurred. Supreme Court ruled against Bible verses in school. Republican Party held first convention. […]

Jan 17th: What occurred?

The UN Security Council held its first meeting in 1946, while the US President Eisenhower warned of the military-industrial complex and consumerism in 1961. In 1893, American businessmen overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy, and in 1973, Ferdinand Marcos became “President for life” of the Philippines. Other events include the Great Brinks Heist in 1950 and Captain […]

July 17th: what occurred?

Disneyland opened in California with over 600 million total visitors. TWA Flight 800 exploded, killing all 230 people on board. Woolworth Corp. closed its 400 remaining dime stores after 117 years. The Great Train Wreck of 1856 killed over 60 people. Spongebob Squarepants premiered on Nickelodeon. Harvard School of Dental Medicine opened. Disneyland opened in […]

May 17th: What occurred?

The Supreme Court rules segregation of public schools unconstitutional (1954). Watergate hearings begin, leading to Nixon’s resignation (1973). First legal same-sex marriage in the US (2004). Antikythera Mechanism discovered (1902). Louie Louie lyrics declared unintelligible (1965). WHO declares homosexuality not a mental illness (1990). Napoleon annexes papal states (1809). First Kentucky Derby held (1875). Megan’s […]

What on Mar 17th?

St. Patrick’s Day Parade started in NYC (1762), van Gogh’s paintings gained recognition (1901), FDR married Eleanor Roosevelt (1905), Dalai Lama fled Tibet (1959), rubber band patented (1845), British evacuated Boston (1776), National Gallery of Art opened in DC (1941), MacArthur arrived in Pacific theater (1942), first duchy created in England (1337), Californium synthesized (1950). […]

Dec 17th: What occurred?

The Wright brothers made their first successful flight in 1903, France recognized American independence in 1777, President Roosevelt released Japanese Americans from internment camps in 1944, and the immigration station at Ellis Island opened in 1900. Other events include the first ATLAS missile launch in 1957, Stan Barrett breaking the sound barrier in 1979, the […]

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