What’s the 18th Amendment?

The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution prohibited the production, transport, and sale of alcohol, leading to the Prohibition era and an increase in illegal activity and organized crime. The amendment failed to create a nationwide temperance movement and was eventually repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933. The problems created by organized crime were […]

Aug 18th event?

BTK killer sentenced to 175 years in prison (2005), South Africa banned from Olympics due to apartheid policies (1964), Hitler temporarily halted euthanasia program (1941), helium discovered (1868), first person of color graduates from University of Mississippi (1963), women gain right to vote in US (1920), French priest burned at stake for witchcraft (1634), first […]

May 18th event?

Events: Earth passed through Halley’s Comet (1910), “separate but equal” doctrine upheld (1896), Aimee Semple McPherson goes missing (1926), Mount St. Helens erupts (1980), TVA created (1933), Beijing protest (1989), Dracula published (1897), Lincoln nominated for president (1860), Jackie Cochran breaks sound barrier (1953), Les Miserables closes on Broadway (2003). Earth passed through the tail […]

What occurred on Mar 18th?

The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766, but taxation without representation remained an issue. Aleksei Leonov performed the first spacewalk in 1965. Mohandas Gandhi was sentenced to prison in 1922. The Pedaliante, the first man-powered aircraft, flew in 1936. The War Relocation Authority was established in 1942, relocating Japanese Americans to internment camps. The Evian […]

Jan 18th: what occurred?

US drops World Court case against Nicaragua (1985); George McGovern starts presidential campaign (1971); Robert F. Scott reaches South Pole after Roald Amundsen (1912); Mayor of Washington DC Marion Barry arrested on drug charges (1990); Eugene Ely lands aircraft on USS Pennsylvania (1911); Captain Cook discovers Hawaii (1778); German forces resume deportations from Warsaw (1943); […]

Apr 18th: What occurred?

Events throughout history include Paul Revere’s ride warning of British plot (1775), a radio broadcast with no news (1930), Ezra Pound’s release from asylum (1958), the first crossword book published (1924), the Great San Francisco Earthquake (1906), the first stone laid in St. Peter’s Basilica (1506), the Doolittle raids on Tokyo (1942), Joan of Arc’s […]

Nov 18th: What occurred?

Jim Jones led a mass murder-suicide of over 900 members of the Peoples Temple in Jonestown, Guyana. Railroads established time zones in North America in 1883, later becoming law in 1918. The first push-button telephone was commercially available in 1963. Spain became a democracy in 1976 after the death of dictator Francisco Franco. William Tell […]

Best 18th bday gifts?

The 18th birthday is significant in the US as it marks legal adulthood. Gifts should reflect this transition period, with practical items for those heading to college or living independently. Some choose to celebrate newfound freedoms, while others create keepsakes to mark the occasion. Different cultures have different milestone birthdays, usually between the ages of […]

June 18th: what occurred?

AIDS epidemic recognized by medical professionals in 1981, LP record introduced in 1948, Paul McCartney born in 1942, War of 1812 begins, Susan B. Anthony fined for attempting to vote in 1873, Sally Ride becomes first female astronaut in 1983, Unabomber indicted in 1996, International Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948, Charles Darwin prompted […]

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