Pro-slavery states in 19th century?

In the early 19th century, most of the United States was pro-slavery due to its acceptance in European countries. The American Civil War was fought over the legality and morality of slavery, dividing the nation into pro and anti-slavery states. The Confederacy lost the war, and in 1865, a constitutional amendment abolished slavery throughout the […]

19th Amendment: US Constitution?

The 19th Amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to vote and Congress the power to enforce it. Before its passage, women faced discrimination in many areas. The suffragist movement, which began in the mid-19th century, worked to secure women’s rights. In 1918, a successful campaign was launched to influence voters to support […]

Apr 19th: What occurred?

The American Revolution began with the “Shot Heard Round the World” in 1775. Other events include the Oklahoma City bombing, Marie Antoinette’s marriage, Pope Benedict XVI’s election, and The Simpsons’ debut. The American Revolution began. (1775) “The Shot Heard Round the World” took place early in the morning in Lexington, Massachusetts, as 700 British soldiers […]

Dec 19th: What occurred?

Clinton impeached for lying and obstruction of justice (1998). Hong Kong returned to China (1984). Dalai Lama fled Tibet (1950). Washington’s army settled at Valley Forge (1777). Hitler took control of German army (1941). Anne, Duchess of Brittany, married Maxmilian I (1490). BBC World Service began transmitting overseas (1932). Corrugated paper patented (1871). Poor Richard’s […]

Nov 19th event?

Important events in history: Gettysburg Address delivered (1863), Jay Treaty signed (1794), Reagan-Gorbachev summit (1985), HMAS Sydney sunk (1941), Apollo 12 lands on moon (1969), Pennzoil wins lawsuit against Texaco (1985), Sixth Loan War announced (6), British National Lottery begins (1994), Bonnie and Clyde’s first robbery (1930), Milli Vanilli lose Grammy for lip-syncing (1990). The […]

Nov 19th: What occurred?

Important events in history include the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln (1863), the signing of the Jay Treaty between the US and Great Britain (1794), the first summit meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev (1985), the sinking of HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran (1941), the Apollo 12 mission landing on the moon (1969), Pennzoil winning a […]

July 19th: what occurred?

Christa McAuliffe, a teacher, died in the Challenger disaster. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy allowed gays to serve in the US military. A meteorite exploded over Arizona. Joe Walker set a new altitude record in an X-15 research aircraft. The first 3D reconstruction of a human head was done with a CT machine. The Sandinistas […]

May 19th event?

Over 40 microphones were found in the US embassy in Moscow, causing tension with the Soviet Union. Other events include the Dark Day in New England, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Marilyn Monroe’s birthday performance for JFK, and Anne Boleyn’s execution. More than 40 microphones were found in the US embassy in Moscow, the State […]

Jan 19th: What occurred?

The US Senate rejected joining the League of Nations in 1920, hindering its potential. Indira Gandhi became India’s first female Prime Minister in 1966, known for leading India out of poverty. Ellis Island closed in 1954 after processing over 12 million immigrants. Japanese war criminals were tried in court in 1948, including General Tojo. President […]

Aug 19th: What occurred?

Hitler became the Fuhrer of Germany (1934), The Beatles played their first US concert (1964), Hungerford Massacre occurred in the UK (1987), Soviet Union jailed American U-2 pilot for espionage (1960), little person played in a Major League Baseball game (1951), first official soap box derby took place (1934), Daguerre presented his photographic process (1839), […]

Weirdest 19th century weather event?

In 1876, the “Kentucky Meat Shower” occurred when small pieces of meat rained down on a farmhouse. The cause is believed to be vultures regurgitating their last meal. Some thought it was a sign from God, but it was likely a natural phenomenon. In many parts of the world, extreme weather events appear to be […]

June 19th: what occurred?

Father’s Day was first celebrated in 1910, slavery was outlawed in US territories in 1862, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited discrimination and allowed black citizens to vote, the Rosenburgs were executed for espionage in 1953, the first official baseball game was played in 1846, the FCC was established in 1934, the first Juneteenth […]

Oct 19th: What occurred?

The Dow Jones had its second-largest percentage drop in history in 1987, known as Black Monday. Saddam Hussein was tried for crimes against humanity in 2005 and later executed. The US imposed an embargo on Cuba in 1960. Lord Cornwallis surrendered to American forces in 1781, ending the American Revolutionary War. The first Blockbuster video […]

19th Century Literary Plagiarism: A Problem?

In the mid-1800s, Charles Dickens was unhappy when a publisher sold obvious hoaxes of his work, but a judge ruled that readers could tell the difference. The publisher went on to build a successful empire, while Dickens’ work remains widely read. Dickens was also known for his heroism, interest in the supernatural, and possibly having […]

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