Oct 21st: What occurred?

Edison lit the first light bulb (1879), a kamikaze attack occurred (1944), Von Braun transferred to NASA (1959), Eris photographed (2003), Medicine Lodge treaties signed (1867), North Korea nuclear deal made (1994), Vietnam War protests (1967), USS Constitution launched (1797), Magellan discovered strait (1520), Nightingale sent to Crimean War (1854). Thomas Edison lit a light […]

Nov 21st: What occurred?

ARPNET, the first internet network, was established in 1969. Rebecca L. Felton became the first woman to serve in the US Senate in 1922. The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge opened in 1964. The first balloon flight took place in 1783. Oliver North ordered the destruction of incriminating documents in 1986. Einstein’s research on E=mc2 was published in […]

Sept 21st: What occurred?

Roosevelt urged Congress to repeal Neutrality Acts to help European nations facing Nazi Germans. France abolished monarchy. B-29 bomber made its debut and was used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Marcos declared martial law in the Philippines. Investment banks became traditional holding companies. Women were admitted to the Military Institute of Virginia. Congress granted $15 […]

Dec 21st event?

Important events in history: dried blood serum produced (1933), John Gacy arrested (1978), first manned lunar mission launched (1968), radium discovered (1898), Irish Republic declared independence (1948), Snow White debuted (1937), first crossword puzzle published (1913), Elvis offers services to Nixon in War on Drugs (1970), It’s a Wonderful Life previewed (1946), Vespasian becomes fourth […]

Feb 21st: What occurred?

Nixon visited Beijing, Marx and Engels published the Communist Manifesto, Malcolm X was assassinated, the Arrowbile flew, the Battle of Verdun began, Ames was arrested, NASCAR was incorporated, the Polaroid camera was demonstrated, Kissinger began secret negotiations with North Vietnam, and the last Carolina Parakeet died. Richard Nixon arrived in Beijing. (1972) The visit was […]

May 21st event?

The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton and Adolphus Solomons. Other events include Lindbergh and Earhart’s transatlantic flights, the founding of FIFA, and Susan Lucci’s Daytime Emmy win. The American Red Cross was born. (1881) Clara Barton, a nurse known as “the angel of the battlefield”, and Adolphus Solomons founded the […]

Apr 21st: What occurred?

Henry VIII became king of England and oversaw the split of the Anglican church. Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus. Student protests in Tiananmen Square led to the Tiananmen Square massacre. The Hutt River Province seceded from Australia. Maryland declared freedom of religion for all Christians. The film projector was first introduced in the […]

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