22nd amendment: what is it?

The 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution limits the presidency to two four-year terms, preventing a monarchy-like structure. Franklin Delano Roosevelt served a third and fourth term due to wartime conditions, but died early in his fourth term. Vice President Harry Truman succeeded him and was the only exception to the amendment. Critics argue that […]

July 22nd: What occurred?

Jeffrey Dahmer arrested for killing 17 males, sentenced to 957 years in prison, beaten to death by inmate. John Dillinger killed by FBI agents, famous bank robber. Wiley Post first person to fly solo around the world. Susan Smith pleads guilty to drowning her two children. Jessica Lynch returns home after being rescued in Iraq. […]

Sept 22nd: What occurred?

Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation (1862), Nathan Hale was executed as America’s first spy (1776), the US penny was redesigned (2008), the Peace Corps was established (1961), Iran-Iraq War began (1980), US Postmaster General’s Office was established (1789), National Geographic published its first issue (1888), the first American-made car was unveiled (1893), Dead Sea Scrolls […]

What occurred on Mar 22nd?

The Stamp Act caused riots in America (1765). The Beatles released their first album (1963). The Equal Rights Amendment passed Congress (1972) but failed to be ratified. The laser was patented (1960). Gambling was outlawed in Massachusetts (1630). The Arab League was formed (1945). The London bullion market reopened (1954). Pentium chips were released (1993). […]

Jan 22nd: What occurred?

Bloody Sunday sparked the first Russian revolution, Roe v. Wade legalized elective abortion, Queen Victoria died, Swiss Guards arrived at the Vatican, Ted Kaczynski pleaded guilty as the Unabomber, MMR vaccine declared safe, Boeing 747 entered service, Diet of Worms made Martin Luther an outlaw, Apple Macintosh debuted, and Kmart filed for bankruptcy. The first […]

Dec 22nd: what occurred?

China began economic reforms in 1978 under Deng Xiaoping. The Brandenburg Gate in the Berlin Wall opened in 1989. The Continental Navy was commissioned in 1775. Dostoyevsky’s execution was called off in 1949. The first rural speed limits were posted in the UK in 1965. Christmas lights were invented in 1882. Ceausescu’s government was overthrown […]

June 22nd: what occurred?

Kodachrome film was discontinued after 72 years, Galileo retracted his view, John Lennon’s killer pleaded guilty, and the US Supreme Court protected cross-burning as free speech. Other events include the creation of the DOJ, the lowering of the US voting age, and the signing of the GI Bill. Meryl Streep was born, Fred Astaire and […]

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