June 23rd event?

The text covers various events, including the first SAT exam (1926), Lorena Bobbit cutting off her husband’s penis (1993), the first attempt to go around the world in a single-engine plane (1931), the birth of the International Olympic Committee (1894), the patent for the typewriter (1868), the registration of the Mercedes brand (1902), John Gotti’s […]

Aug 23rd: What occurred?

Anarchists Vanzetti and Sacco were executed for murder in 1927. West Nile virus was diagnosed in the US in 1999, and Pete Rose was banned from baseball in 1989. The Freckleton Air Disaster killed 61 people in 1944. Natascha Kampusch escaped after eight years of captivity in 2006. Other events include Saddam Hussein’s TV appearance […]

23rd Amendment: What is it?

The US Constitution allows for amendments, including the 23rd Amendment which grants Washington, DC residents the right to vote for the President and Vice President. DC is a special district and was not originally intended to have non-government residents, but the population grew and campaigned for voting rights. The 23rd Amendment gives DC the same […]

July 23rd: What occurred?

The Detroit riots began, leaving 43 dead and 2,000 buildings burned. Tiger Woods completed a Career Grand Slam in golf. Mark Buehrle pitched a perfect game. Venessa Williams resigned as Miss America due to nude photos. The Federation Internationale de Gymnastique was founded. Andrew Cunanan’s body was found after killing Versace. Comet Hale-Bopp was discovered. […]

Apr 23rd event?

Shakespeare’s birth and death are celebrated on the same day, Sirhan Sirhan received the death penalty for assassinating Robert Kennedy, the first McDonald’s in Beijing opened, Boston Latin School was established, “New Coke” was unpopular, Judy Garland played Carnegie Hall, George and Martha Washington moved into the first executive mansion, the first video was uploaded […]

March 23rd event?

The word “OK” gained national recognition in 1839, Hitler became dictator of Germany in 1933, and the Wright brothers applied for a patent for their flying machine in 1903. Teddy Roosevelt left for an African safari in 1909, and scientists announced cold fusion in 1989. Pakistan became the first modern Islamic republic in 1956, Titanic […]

Feb 23rd: What occurred?

Important events in history include the first mass polio vaccine (1954), printing of Gutenberg’s Bible (1455), production of commercially viable aluminum (1886), raising of the US flag on Iwo Jima (1945), Battle of the Alamo (1836), Lincoln’s assassination attempt (1861), lease of Guantanamo Bay to the US (1903), monitoring of US radio broadcasts by the […]

Jan 23rd: What occurred?

Nixon announced peace in Vietnam (1973), the International Opium Convention was signed (1912), Elizabeth Blackwell became the first female doctor (1849), the Shaanxi earthquake killed over 800,000 (1556), Elva Zona Heaster’s ghost testimony led to her husband’s conviction (1897), the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted its first members (1986), the Frisbee® was invented […]

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