24th Amendment: what is it?

The 24th Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits the prevention of citizens from voting due to non-payment of the poll tax. It is related to the Reconstruction Amendments, which aimed to protect the rights of freed slaves. The poll tax disproportionately affected black Americans and was abolished in 1964 with the ratification of the 24th […]

What occurred on Mar 24th?

Koch discovered the tuberculosis bacillus in 1882, the Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in 1989, Elvis Presley was drafted in 1958, Queen Elizabeth I died in 1603, NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, the Quartering Act was passed in 1765, Joseph Smith was tarred and feathered in 1832, African-Canadians got the right to vote in 1837, […]

Sept 24th: What occurred?

Major nuclear powers signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, but it has yet to enter into force. The Supreme Court of the United States was created in 1789. Compu-Serve launched the first consumer internet service in 1979. The Warren Report was delivered in 1964. The Japanese began secretly gathering intelligence on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The […]

Feb 24th: What occurred?

The Gregorian calendar was reformed in 1582 to replace the inaccurate Julian calendar. US President Andrew Johnson was impeached in 1868, narrowly avoiding removal from office. The Battle of Los Angeles occurred in 1942, with conspiracy theories still surrounding the incident. The Zimmerman note was presented in 1917, leading to the US declaring war on […]

Oct 24th: What occurred?

The Black Thursday crash of 1929 led to the Great Depression, while the 2008 Black Friday crash affected most Western stock markets. The UN was born in 1945, Truman declared an end to the war with Germany in 1951, and Eisenhower pledged military support to South Vietnam in 1954. Other events include the first transcontinental […]

Aug 24th: What occurred?

John Lennon’s killer was sentenced to prison. The British burned Washington DC in 1814. Amelia Earhart flew nonstop across the US in 1932. Captain Matthew Webb swam across the English Channel in 1875. Maria Teresa de Filippis raced in a Formula car in 1958. The Gutenberg Bible was printed in 1456. Mikhail Gorbachev resigned in […]

Jan 24th event?

Gold discovered in California (1848); Russia adopts Gregorian calendar (1918); Winston Churchill dies (1965); last Japanese soldier of WWII surrenders (1972); Disney buys Pixar (2006); US Department of Homeland Security begins operations (2003); Calcutta University inaugurated (1857); US announces sale of military equipment to China (1980); Roman emperor Caligula assassinated (41); Boy Scout movement founded […]

June 24th: What occurred?

The US Air Force denies that the Roswell incident involved alien bodies, while controversy and conspiracy theories continue. John Cabot saw North America in 1497, possibly Canada or Newfoundland. Germans in 1374 experienced St. John’s Dance, possibly caused by a poisonous mushroom. The Humber Bridge, once the longest suspension bridge, opened in 1981. O Canada […]

Dec 24th: What occurred?

Christmas ceasefire in WWI as German soldiers decorate trenches with Christmas trees and sing carols. Henry Ford completes first useful gas engine. NORAD tracks Santa for first time. West Point cadets riot in “eggnog riot”. Library of Congress catches fire. Macy’s stays open until midnight for first time. Ku Klux Klan is born. Filming begins […]

July 24th: what occurred?

Ted Bundy found guilty of murdering two college students, Lance Armstrong wins seventh Tour de France, US Capitol shooting kills two officers, James Traficant expelled from House of Representatives, SS Eastland capsizes killing 845, Ford reports worst quarterly earnings, first BASE jump at El Capitan, Machu Picchu rediscovered, Mary, Queen of Scots forced to cede […]

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