What’s the 25th amendment to US Constitution?

The 25th Amendment to the US Constitution was influenced by President Kennedy’s assassination and medical technology. It clarifies the process of replacing a president who is unable to fulfill their duties and grants certain powers to the president and executive branch. The amendment also allows for the removal of a president if they are unable […]

Why is May 25th important in Argentina?

May 25 is celebrated as el Día de la Revolución de Mayo in Argentina, marking the creation of the First Junta in 1810, which took over the government of Buenos Aires from the Spanish Viceroyalty. The May Revolution was a result of unrest among the population of Buenos Aires after news of Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion […]

Sept. 25th: what occurred?

The US Bill of Rights was adopted in 1789. Switzerland closed its borders to Jews in 1942, but reopened them in 1944. Sandra Day O’Connor became the first female justice of the Supreme Court in 1981. The IRA disarmed in 2005. The first transatlantic telephone service was installed in 1956. The first Chicago Marathon took […]

Dec 25th: What occurred?

Christmas was first celebrated in 336 AD after Constantine made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. Massachusetts banned Christmas celebrations in 1659, citing dishonoring God. The World Wide Web had its first successful test in 1990 with two computers and a server. Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigned in 1991, marking the end of the […]

Dec 25th: What occurred?

Christmas was first celebrated in 336 AD after Constantine made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. Massachusetts banned Christmas celebrations in 1659, citing dishonoring God and offending others. The World Wide Web was tested in 1990 with two computers and a single server. Mikhail Gorbachev resigned in 1991, marking the end of the USSR […]

Aug 25th: What occurred?

Paris liberated from Nazi occupation (1944), New York Sun publishes “Great Moon Hoax” (1835), US President Truman orders seizure of US railroads (1950), discovery of bacteria causing bubonic plague (1894), American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell killed (1967), Wizard of Oz movie premieres (1939), Galileo presents first telescope (1609), Voyager 2 makes closest flyby […]

Nov 25th event?

The Hollywood 10 were blacklisted for alleged communist ties, while Alfred Nobel patented dynamite and used the proceeds to found the Nobel Prizes. The Iran-Contra affair was exposed, and The Mousetrap opened in London. The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was established, and the last British military installation in the US […]

Jan 25th: What occurred?

The Battle of the Bulge ended with high casualties. The Cullinan diamond was found and given to the King of England. The first Emmy Awards ceremony was held, and Idi Amin became the leader of Uganda. President Kennedy gave the first live televised presidential press conference. The Norwegian missile incident occurred, and Jiang Qing was […]

May 25th event?

The Constitutional Convention created the American Constitution in 1787. Shakespeare became legal in China in 1977, and Star Wars opened the same year. President Kennedy announced plans to put a man on the moon in 1961. Other events include the Gateway Arch inauguration, Babe Ruth’s last home run, and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s birth. The Constitutional […]

Apr 25th event?

Yuri Andropov replied to American student Samantha Smith’s letter about nuclear war, inviting her to visit the USSR. The name “America” was first used on a map in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. Robert Noyce patented an improved integrated circuit design. Truman opened the White House bowling alley, and New York issued the first US license […]

Mar 25th: What occurred?

Martin Luther King Jr. led a large anti-war protest in Chicago in 1967, but was criticized by civil rights leaders. Other events include the abolition of the slave trade in Britain, the opening of the world’s first passenger railway, and the Greek War of Independence. The Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire led to employee protection laws […]

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