Apr 26th: What occurred?

Studio 54 opened in 1977, becoming a hub for celebrities during the disco era. The Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986, while the first US presidential visit to China since Nixon happened in 1984. Other events include John Wilkes Booth’s death in 1865, English colonists reaching Virginia in 1607, and the Gestapo’s formation in 1933. Studio […]

Jan 26th: What occurred?

India became a republic under Nehru (1950), Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz (1945), Janet Travell became the first female presidential physician (1961), the Rum Rebellion occurred in Australia (1808), a whale exploded in Taiwan (2004), Franco captured Barcelona (1939), St. Petersburg was renamed Leningrad (1924), Brazil was discovered by Vicente Yanez Pinzon (1500), African American troops […]

Dec 26th: What occurred?

Tupolev-144 flies before Concorde (1975), tsunami kills 50,000 in Southeast Asia (2004), Countess Bathory’s crimes discovered (1610), coffee maker patented (1865), Beatles’ first US single released (1963), wood pulp paper introduced (1854), King Lear performed for King James I (1606), Kwanzaa celebrated for first time (1966), personal computer named Time Man of the Year (1982), […]

May 26th: what occurred?

The House Un-American Activities Committee began in 1938, investigating Communist infiltration. Alse Young was executed for witchcraft in 1647. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was first published in 1896. The first major commercial oil strike in the Middle East was made in 1908. Feral child Kaspar Hauser was discovered in 1828. The Indian Removal Act […]

Feb 26th event?

US troops leave Beirut (1984); Napoleon escapes Elba (1815); Berlin Act signed, leading to European colonization of Africa (1885); Luftwaffe reformed (1935); Grand Canyon and Grand Tetons National Parks dedicated (1919, 1929); Britannia launched, later sunk in WW1 (1914); first pneumatic subway demonstrated in NYC (1870); US lifts travel ban on Libya (2004); Baring’s Bank […]

July 26th: what occurred?

Andrea Yates found not guilty by reason of insanity for drowning her five children. NASA launched Space Shuttle Discovery after the Columbia disaster. Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud and conspiracy, later disappeared. Greg Maddux struck out his 3,000th batter. The United States Postal Service was established. Grasshoppers destroyed crops in the Midwest. The first recorded […]

Oct 26th: What occurred?

The USA PATRIOT Act was signed in response to 9/11, giving law enforcement more power. Israel and Jordan signed a peace treaty in 1994. The OK Corral firefight took place in 1881. King George III authorized military force to end the American Revolution in 1775. An experimental baboon heart transplant was performed in 1984. Benjamin […]

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