July 27th: What occurred?

Bugs Bunny debuted in A Wild Hare in 1940, the first of 163 animated shorts. The first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable was laid in 1866, allowing for instant communication between Europe and North America. Nixon faced impeachment proceedings in 1974 due to the Watergate scandal and resigned. The kidnapping and murder of Adam Walsh in 1981 […]

Aug 27th: What occurred?

The first successful oil well was drilled in the US in 1859. The Anglo-Zanzibar War lasted only 45 minutes, the shortest war in history. The Heinkel He 178 became the world’s first jet aircraft in 1939. Krakatoa erupted in 1883, causing 36,000 deaths. Mariner 2 successfully reached Venus in 1962. Edmund Kemper killed his grandparents […]

Sept 27th: What occurred?

The Axis Powers formed in 1940 with Japan, Germany, and Italy signing the Tripartite Pact. Hungary joined later. The Nazis overpowered Poland in 1939, and Mexico gained independence in 1821. The first steam-powered passenger trains operated in 1825, and the Balinese tiger went extinct in 1937. The US Department of Education was approved in 1979. […]

May 27th event?

The bubonic plague hit San Francisco in 1907, but was stopped after a rat-catching drive. Centralia, Pennsylvania has been burning since 1962. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn returned to Russia in 1994. The British Navy sank the Bismark in 1941. President Roosevelt declared an unlimited state of emergency on the same day. St. Petersburg was founded in 1703 […]

Dec 27th: What occurred?

Darwin set sail on the HMS Beagle (1831), Fossey was killed in Rwanda (1985), Nation trashed her first bar (1900), ether was first used as an anesthetic (1845), the World Bank was founded (1945), USSR occupied Afghanistan (1979), Greater Poland uprising began (1918), West was banned from radio (1937), Indonesia became independent (1949), and the […]

Feb 27th: What occurred?

Mardi Gras celebrations began in New Orleans in 1827, inspired by Parisian celebrations. Sit-down strikes were declared illegal by the Supreme Court in 1939. The Shanghai Communiqué was issued in 1972, a significant step towards a civil relationship between China and the US. Divorce became legal in Ireland in 1997. President George Bush announced the […]

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