Nov 29th: What occurred?

The UN approved the partition of Palestine in 1947, leading to the establishment of Israel. Other events include the first flight over the South Pole (1929), the Warren Commission investigating JFK’s assassination (1963), and the correction of “blue baby syndrome” surgically (1944). Pong was released in 1972, and the first settlement in Northern California was […]

Sept 29th: what occurred?

The Dow Jones fell by a record 777.68 points in 2008. The Hindenburg Line was broken during World War I. The Mayak Nuclear Power Plant accident exposed 500,000 people to radiation. The London Metropolitan Police was founded in 1829. Italy and the US signed an armistice agreement in 1943. The Space Shuttle Discovery launched in […]

May 29th event?

Hillary and Norgay reached the summit of Everest (1953), the first Coca-Cola ad was released (1886), Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring premiered (1913), White Christmas was recorded (1942), the first Bilderberg conference was held (1954), Bonus Marchers reached Washington DC (1932), the Empress of Ireland sank (1914), Bob Hope turned 100 (2003), Rhode Island ratified […]

Dec 29th: What occurred?

Hong Kong culls poultry to prevent H1N1 spread, Wounded Knee massacre kills over 150 Sioux, Emma Snodgrass arrested for wearing pants, German Luftwaffe bombs London, first telegraph ticker used, Archbishop Thomas Becket assassinated, first transistor hearing aid launched, Sun Yat-Sen comes to power, first gas light used in White House, modern bowling ball invented. Hong […]

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