Dec 30th event?

Hubble discovered other galaxies (1924), Mickey Mouse was accused of draft evasion (1980), the first color TV was sold (1953), the Beatles disbanded (1974), USSR formed (1922), masquerade balls banned in Boston (1809), ephedra banned by FDA (2003), Ginza subway line opened in Tokyo (1927), first coffee bushes planted in Hawaii (1817), and first music […]

What occurred on Apr 30th?

The brightest supernova appeared (1006), Saigon fell to communist forces (1975), Hitler committed suicide (1945), the first federal prison for women opened (1927), George Washington’s inauguration took place (1789), hail the size of oranges fell in India (1888), the Louisiana Purchase was finalized (1803), Fairbanks and Pickford left their mark on Grauman’s Chinese Theater (1927), […]

What occurred on Sep 30th?

The Berlin Airlift ended in 1949 after delivering supplies to West Berlin during a Soviet blockade. The Munich pact failed to prevent WWII, and Wyoming became the first state to allow women to vote in 1889. The USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine, was commissioned in 1954. The Berlin Airlift has ended. (1949) After World […]

Jan 30th: What occurred?

Gandhi was assassinated; Hitler became Chancellor of Germany; Maryland signed the Articles of Confederation; Jackson survived an assassination attempt; the first cash register was patented; the Tet Offensive happened; Bloody Sunday occurred; the first lifeboat was tested; King Charles I was executed; and the first episode of “Lone Ranger” aired. Gandhi was assassinated. (1948) Mohandas […]

Nov 30th event?

The Brady Bill was signed into law, requiring background checks for handgun buyers. The Green River killer was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. The American Revolutionary War ended with the Treaty of Paris. Operation Desert Storm officially ended. The WTO meeting in Seattle was disrupted by protesters. The Flying Scotsman set a land […]

July 30th: what occurred?

The USS Indianapolis was torpedoed, killing most soldiers. A fighter plane collided with a passenger plane, killing all passengers. The Staten Island Ferry Westfield exploded, killing up to 100. Bruce Jenner won the decathlon. “In God We Trust” became the US motto. Jimmy Hoffa disappeared. Blair Witch Project was released. Lisa Leslie dunked in a […]

Aug 30th: What occurred?

A hotline was set up between Moscow and Washington DC after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Other events include the attempted assassination of Lenin, the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery, and the passing of California’s Global Warming Solutions Act. Thurgood Marshall became the first black justice on the US Supreme Court, and Guion S. Bluford […]

Aug 30th: What occurred?

The Moscow-Washington hotline was established in 1963 after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Other events include the attempted assassination of Lenin in 1918, the launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery in 1984, and the passing of the Global Warming Solutions Act in California in 2006. Thurgood Marshall became the first black justice of the US Supreme […]

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