What’s the 6th chakra?

The sixth chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, is located on the forehead and is the center for spiritual energies related to perception and mental acuity. Imbalances can lead to migraines, loss of vision, and unpleasant dreams. Practicing yoga and positive thinking can balance its energies. Proper posture and balance-oriented yoga poses can […]

6th Amendment: What is it?

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of defendants in criminal proceedings, including a speedy and public trial, an impartial jury, legal representation, and the right to cross-examine witnesses and inspect evidence. It also provides for a notice of indictment and prohibits hearsay admission. The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution establishes the rights of […]

Dec 6th: What occurred?

Edison made the first sound recording in 1877. The 13th amendment abolished slavery in the US in 1865. Spain became a constitutional monarchy in 1978. The first Encyclopedia Britannica was published in 1768. The Washington Monument was completed in 1884. Saddam Hussein released foreign hostages in 1990. Nefertiti’s bust was discovered in 1912. The Washington […]

Jan 6th: What occurred?

Morse demonstrated the telegraph in 1838, while the last telegraph was sent in 2006. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms speech in 1941 influenced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Other events include Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne of Cleves, the first round-the-world flight, and Mother Teresa’s arrival in Calcutta. Samuel Morse gave the first successful demonstration of […]

Nov 6th: What occurred?

The UN condemned apartheid in 1962, plutonium was created in 1944, Lincoln became the first Republican president in 1860, Naismith invented basketball in 1861, the US tested its largest hydrogen bomb in 1971, Meet the Press debuted in 1947, the Confederate Army surrendered in 1865, the first official college football game was played in 1869, […]

July 6th: What occurred?

The first all-talking movie was shown (1928), the Beatles’ Paul McCartney and John Lennon met for the first time (1957), Piper Alpha drilling platform exploded (1988), a circus fire killed 168 people (1944), US Naval Academy admitted its first class of women (1976), Louis Pasteur saved a boy’s life with rabies vaccine (1885), the first […]

Oct 6th incident?

No evidence of weapons of mass destruction was found in Iraq, according to a report by US weapons inspector Charles Duelfer. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by Muslim terrorists in 1981. The Jazz Singer, the first “talkie” film, was released in 1927. Thomas Edison demonstrated his movie camera, the “cinetograph,” in 1889. The first […]

Apr 6th: what occurred?

The first modern Olympics were held in Athens with 13 nations competing in events. America entered World War I. The Rwandan genocide began, claiming over 800,000 lives. The Beach Boys were banned from performing at the Washington Mall. Other events include the opening of American ports for trade, the patenting of celluloid, the first Tony […]

June 6th: what occurred?

D-Day invasion began with 155,000 Allied troops landing on Normandy coast (1944). US Securities and Exchange Commission created (1934). Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassinated (1968). Chrysler Corporation founded (1925). First US gas tax created (1932). First drive-in theater opens (1933). Basketball Association of America formed (1946). Bob Barker ends run as host of Price is […]

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