9th Amendment: US Constitution?

The Ninth Amendment to the US Constitution protects unenumerated rights not mentioned elsewhere in the Constitution. It supplements the Bill of Rights and protects personal freedoms from state and federal violations. The Supreme Court interprets these rights, but some argue it does not give judges the power to determine them. The amendment was controversial and […]

Aug 9th event?

The US dropped a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki, killing 39,000 people. Charles Manson killed Sharon Tate and four others. Terry Nichols was sentenced to 161 life sentences for the Oklahoma City bombing. Work on the Leaning Tower of Pisa began. Bridgestone/Firestone recalled 6.5 million tires linked to 46 deaths. Mahatma Gandhi was arrested by the […]

Oct 9th: What occurred?

Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia, North Korea claimed to have tested its first nuclear weapon, German troops occupied Antwerp in WWI, NASA landed on the moon, Yale University was founded, Google bought YouTube, an international postal system was created, Laura Ingalls flew solo across the US, the last observable supernova occurred, and the SR-71 […]

Nov 9th event?

Berlin Wall falls (1989), Kristallnacht attacks occur (1938), US President Roosevelt visits Panama Canal (1906), Northeast Blackout of 1965 occurs, US Supreme Court declines to hear case questioning legality of Vietnam War (1970), brokerage firms ordered to pay $1.03 billion to defrauded investors (1998), Treaty of Seville signed ending Anglo-Spanish War (1729), The Atlantic Monthly […]

New Orleans’ 9th district?

The 9th Ward of New Orleans is a diverse area with historic landmarks and high home ownership rates, but also known for crime and poverty. It was devastated by Hurricane Betsy in 1965 and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, with slow and criticized rebuilding efforts. Recovery remains mixed, with some areas regaining population while others house […]

May 9th event?

The FDA approved the first birth control pill in 1960, Thomas Blood attempted to steal the British Crown Jewels in 1671, and Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa in 1994. Other events include the impeachment hearings for Richard Nixon, the declaration of Mother’s Day as a national holiday, and Louis Armstrong knocking the Beatles […]

Feb 9th: What occurred?

Senator McCarthy sparked the Second Red Scare with claims of “known Communists” in the US government. The Beatles’ first live TV appearance set a record with over 70 million viewers. The US sent combat troops to Vietnam, causing global controversy. The luxury liner Normandy burned down. Joanne Woodward received the first Hollywood Walk of Fame […]

Dec 9th: What occurred?

Smallpox eradicated (1979), Prince Charles and Princess Diana separate (1992), Canada legalizes gay marriage (2004), US Marines begin Operation Restore Hope in Somalia (1992), child labor banned in Germany (1908), France passes law separating church and state (1905), Frank Sinatra Jr. kidnapped (1963), first North American YMCA established in Montreal (1851), A Charlie Brown Christmas […]

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