Realistic about athletic ability?

Despite winning a record 23 Grand Slam titles, a recent UK YouGov poll found that 12% of men believe they could win a point against Serena Williams in tennis. However, experts say the average man’s only chance would be if Williams missed twice, as her serves can reach speeds of 128mph. Three percent of women […]

Acid neutralization ability?

Acid neutralizing capacity measures a sample’s buffering capabilities and is important for water quality, chemical testing, and manufacturing. It can prevent pH problems and facilitate specific reactions. Low buffer capacity can lead to unbalanced ecosystems and harm organisms. Acid neutralizing capacity is a measure of the buffering capabilities in a sample of water. Tests can […]

What’s ability to pay?

Financial institutions evaluate borrowers’ ability to repay loans through analysis of current assets, employment status, and credit history. Without such standards, borrowers may take out loans beyond their means, leading to negative consequences like foreclosures. Ability to repay is a phrase used in connection with evaluating the financial ability of borrowers to repay the money […]

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