Accelerated life tests are used to test consumer goods such as electronics, consisting of five phases: cold, hot, rapid temperature cycling, stepped vibration, and combined environmental stress. The test determines a device’s structural integrity, functionality, and durability under extreme conditions. The test is repeated until all components pass, and it can be used to determine […]
Accelerated Math is a computer-based math learning system for K-12 students that provides personalized homework and allows students to move at their own pace. It helps teachers track progress and provide support. Efficacy data is mixed, but it was developed to help with differentiated instruction. Accelerated Math® most commonly refers to a computer-based math learning […]
Accelerated OpenGL mode uses a graphics card’s hardware capabilities to perform some or all OpenGL commands instead of software. Not all cards support it, and it can sometimes be slower than software rendering. The implementation of how to handle accelerated modes can vary greatly, and the monitor or display device must also have native support. […]
Accelerated medical programs in nursing, anesthesiology assistance, pharmacy, and other healthcare fields condense coursework into less time, but cover the same material as longer programs. They can be less expensive and save time, but it’s important to consider options and talk to alumni before committing to a career in healthcare. Working in the medical field […]
ACRS is a way to claim anticipated depreciation on new property, resulting in higher tax deductions for a given year. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 established specific depreciation methods for several different classes within the ACRS. Companies can benefit from ACRS, but it may not always be in their best interest. Often referred to […]
Weathering is a form of product testing that mimics the aging process to determine a product’s shelf life. Accelerated aging allows companies to test new products before release, and some products require weathering to generate expiration dates. The products are subjected to intense stress, and data on durability is recorded to extrapolate a potential shelf […]
Accelerated stability tests estimate the shelf life of perishable products under normal conditions by subjecting them to stress conditions. This eliminates the need for long-term storage and allows for appropriate expiration dates. Controlled conditions are critical, but physical and chemical changes may occur that would not under normal conditions. Regulatory agencies have guidelines for expedited […]
Accelerated learning includes grade skipping, subject acceleration, early school/college entry, advanced placement, curriculum compaction, self-paced instruction, early graduation, correspondence courses, and exam credit. Advanced students benefit from active learning and can be initiated by parents or teachers. Accelerated learning helps students get through secondary school or college faster than their peers. The most common different […]