What’s Foreign Accent Syndrome?

Foreign Accent Syndrome is a rare condition where a person speaks with a foreign accent after a traumatic brain injury, aneurysm, or stroke. It is caused by damage to the brain’s speech center and can cause social anxiety or agoraphobia. Some researchers believe that the accent is not actually foreign, but a damaged form of […]

What’s accent reduction?

Accent reduction techniques help make regional accents less noticeable for better communication in a global community. Business people, actors, and non-native English speakers can benefit from elocution training. A speech pathologist can assess and devise a program to modify consonants, vowels, speech rhythm, and intonation. The correct approach can maintain spontaneity in conversation and benefit […]

Diff. between acute and grave accent?

Acute accents are high-pitched and used in Latin, Greek, and Eastern European languages, while grave accents are loud and heavy and used in French, Italian, Norwegian, Catalan, Portuguese, Scottish, and Vietnamese. They are used to mark stressed vowels and distinguish between homographs in many languages. In English, they are rare but used in literature and […]

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