Are STD home tests accurate?

Home STD tests are less accurate than those taken in a doctor’s office due to potential human error and lab quality. However, they may still provide accurate results, and it’s better than no testing. Following instructions and researching reliable companies can increase accuracy. Simpler testing processes also increase accuracy. It’s hard to say exactly how […]

What’s the Fair & Accurate Credit Transactions Act?

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) was passed in 2003 to address identity theft. It provides free annual credit reports, fraud alerts, and requires financial institutions to monitor account activity. Implementation has been slow, with some components designed to be implemented over time. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACTA […]

Baby due dates: how accurate?

Doctors use due dates to monitor prenatal care and baby growth, but only 4% of women give birth on the actual delivery date. Due dates are calculated at 40 weeks from the start of a woman’s last menstrual cycle, but can be inaccurate due to differing cycle lengths. Secondborns tend to arrive earlier than firstborns. […]

How to pick accurate IQ tests?

Choose well-recognized IQ tests that undergo rigorous development and are reviewed regularly. Validity and reliability are important factors, and tests should be empirically confirmed to measure general intelligence consistently. Consult licensed psychologists or psychology journals for advice, and avoid internet tests. Accurate IQ tests can be expensive but are worth the investment. Individuals seeking to […]

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