Prevent acid reflux: How?

To prevent acid reflux, avoid foods that trigger it, eat smaller meals throughout the day, don’t exercise after eating, eat at least two to three hours before bed, elevate your head when sleeping, maintain a healthy weight, and consider antacids or prescription medication if necessary. To prevent acid reflux or heartburn, start by considering the […]

What’s Acid Gas?

Sour gas contains hydrogen sulfide in concentrations greater than four parts per million and must be treated before use. Acid gas is a natural gas with high concentrations of acid gases. Both require processing before use, and care must be taken during transportation due to hydrogen sulfide’s corrosiveness. Refineries can conduct tests to determine the […]

What’s Acid Cleaning?

Acid cleaning removes discoloration and oxidation from metals or masonry. It’s used to keep new brick walls, concrete sidewalks, and metal warehouses clean. Mild acid cleaners like acetic acid and citric acid are used for household cleaning, while strong acid cleaners like muriatic acid are used for tougher stains. Protective gear is necessary when working […]

Acid reflux and stress: any link?

Stress may indirectly trigger acid reflux attacks by slowing down digestion, putting pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and causing overindulgence in comfort food, smoking, or alcohol. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and exercise can help reduce the frequency and severity of acid reflux symptoms. Most people believe there is a link between acid […]

Sulfuric acid in industry: uses?

Sulfuric acid is widely used in various industries, including waste treatment, fertilizer production, explosives, dyes, and drug manufacturing. Its demand is always high due to its importance in the manufacturing process. Sulfuric acid has so many uses in industrial processes that it may be easier to look for items that don’t require some form of […]

What’s erucic acid?

Erucic acid is a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid found in rapeseed, mustard, and almond seeds. Large amounts can cause heart damage, but it is used to make lubricants, cosmetics, and biodiesel. Lorenzo’s oil, made from erucic and oleic acid, is used to treat adrenoleukodystrophy. Erucic acid is a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid. It is known […]

Pantothenic acid: benefits?

Pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, is important for protein and fat metabolism, nervous system function, digestive health, and red blood cell production. It may also have benefits for wound healing and rheumatoid arthritis. Deficiency can lead to depression, fatigue, and respiratory infections. It is rare to be deficient, as the vitamin is found in many […]

Benefits of folic acid with B12?

Taking folic acid with B12 can reduce the risk of heart disease, birth defects, and combat depression. Vegetarians benefit most as it’s difficult to get adequate amounts. Both vitamins support healthy DNA replication and may increase organ function. Pregnant women should take both to prevent fetal abnormalities. Adequate intake may decrease cancer and heart disease […]

What’s Arachidonic Acid?

Arachidonic acid is an Omega-6 fatty acid that is important for the production of inflammation-stimulating substances in the body. While it is essential in small quantities, excess intake can exacerbate inflammatory diseases. The modern diet is deficient in Omega-3 sources, which are generally anti-inflammatory. Bodybuilders and athletes may supplement with arachidonic acid, but this should […]

Hyaluronic acid & collagen: connection?

Hyaluronic acid and collagen are natural substances found in the body that can be used to treat signs of aging and maintain youthful skin. Hyaluronic acid regulates cell growth and attracts water to minimize wrinkles, while collagen promotes strong and supple skin. Anti-aging products containing these substances can increase collagen levels and reduce signs of […]

What’s Phosphoric Acid?

Phosphoric acid, also known as phosphoricum acidum in homeopathic medicine, is used to treat emotional and physical ailments caused by stress and exhaustion. It is extracted from phosphorus and is popular in homeopathy, but also has other uses such as in sugar refining and medicine. It is recommended that treatment with phosphoricum acidum be accompanied […]

Uses of stearic acid?

Stearic acid is a versatile and cost-effective ingredient used in food, cosmetics, and industrial products. It is extracted from animal and vegetable fats and oils and is used to change consistency, prevent oxidation, and harden products. It is commonly found in candles, soap, lotions, and margarines. It is also used in food products and metal […]

What’s myristic acid?

Myristic acid is a saturated fatty acid found in vegetable oils and animal fats, with 14 carbon molecules and no double bonds. It is a major component of nutmeg, coconut oil, palm oil and butterfat. While it can increase cholesterol levels, recent research suggests that medium-length saturated fatty acids found in coconut oil may not […]

Men: benefits of folic acid?

Folic acid is important for both men and women trying to conceive. Men who get the recommended amount tend to have higher sperm counts and fewer abnormal chromosomes. Foods high in folic acid include whole grains, dark green vegetables, and oranges. The recommended daily amount is 400 micrograms. Too much folic acid can increase cancer […]

Too much folic acid: what’s the harm?

Folic acid is a synthetic version of vitamin B-9 and rarely causes an overdose, but excessive intake can lead to sleep problems, indigestion, diarrhea, and masking a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Fortified foods contribute significantly to a higher daily intake of folic acid, and it is recommended that all women of childbearing age take 400 micrograms […]

Lipoic acid and carnitine: linked?

Carnitine and lipoic acid are often combined in supplements for their energy-boosting and anti-aging effects. Carnitine aids in energy production and bone cell production, while lipoic acid acts as an antioxidant and aids in energy production and neural function. Rat and horse studies have shown promising results, but caution is advised in human supplementation until […]

Pregnancy: benefits of folic acid?

Taking folic acid during pregnancy can prevent birth defects, reduce the risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight, and increase the chances of carrying the baby to term. Doctors recommend women take folic acid supplements even if they are not pregnant. Lack of folic acid can impair fetal growth and development, causing NTDs, urinary […]

Factors affecting folic acid absorption?

Factors affecting folic acid absorption include the form of supplementation, cooking methods, alcohol consumption, oral contraceptives, poor diet, and vitamins C and B12. Birth control pills can also affect absorption, and a poor diet can interfere with absorption. There are a few factors that affect folic acid absorption, including the form of supplementation a person […]

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