What’re Internet Acronyms?

Internet acronyms are abbreviations used in online communication to save time typing. They are commonly used in social media, chat rooms, and emails. Some popular acronyms include LOL, TTYL, and BRB. They have also started to appear offline on items such as coffee mugs and t-shirts. Some individuals have even incorporated them into their spoken […]

What’s the meaning of some English acronyms & chat slang?

Ever wonder what some acronym means? Here’s a list in alphabetical order of more than 1500 acronyms and SMS or chat abbreviations, including the most common ones and others you probably didn’t know yet. Numbers & Symbols A B C D E F G H I  J K L M N O P Q R  S T U V W X Y Z SMS & CHAT ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ? I don’t understand what you mean. ? I […]

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