What’s adaptive cruise control?

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) allows drivers to set a speed that the car will maintain, adjusting based on conditions. It is a safer, more efficient version of traditional cruise control and is becoming more common in lower-priced cars. ACC uses radar or laser to read traffic and can prevent accidents. It can also lower the […]

What’s adaptive reuse?

Adaptive reuse involves finding new uses for older buildings by modifying their internal layout and sometimes their facade. The process involves evaluating the building’s potential for a new application, purchasing it, and making necessary changes. Adaptive reuse can revitalize older areas and create new residential or commercial spaces, such as converting warehouses into lofts or […]

What is adaptive expectations?

Adaptive expectations is an economic principle that predicts future performance based on past results, adjusting for errors. It fell out of favor in the 1970s due to limitations, and was replaced by rational expectations, which takes into account current trends. Irving Fischer created adaptive expectations, but also contributed to other economic theories. Adaptive expectations is […]

Adaptive driving: what is it?

Adaptive driving uses assistive technology to allow people with mobility disabilities to drive. Modifications include hand controls, special seats, and wheelchair lifts. It is recommended to see a driving rehabilitation specialist for evaluation and to use experienced mechanics for installation. Adaptive driving is the use of assistive technology to allow people with mobility disabilities to […]

What’s a complex adaptive system?

A complex adaptive system has many parts that interact with or affect other systems, such as a company’s manufacturing process. Small changes can have significant effects, and feedback may not be related to a single department. Owners and managers are responsible for managing change and unintended consequences. A complex adaptive system is one that has […]

What’s an adaptive model?

Adaptive models are used by data analysts to predict outcomes in changing contexts. They are created using software and include factors such as resources, demand, and time frame. They can be used in various fields, including network security to detect cyber-attacks. An adaptive model is a way to visualize data that can evolve with the […]

What’s an adaptive PC?

Adaptive computing modifies computers to make them easier for people with disabilities to use. Solutions include hardware changes, software modifications, and external devices. Examples include screen readers, head movement cursor control, eye movement cursor control, and one-handed keyboards. An adaptive computer is one that has been modified to make it easier for people with disabilities […]

What’s an adaptive server enterprise?

Adaptive Server Enterprise is a proprietary relational database management system used by enterprise-class systems, including banks and financial institutions. It was first released in 1987 for UNIX and is now available on multiple operating systems. It is considered the first true client-server relational database management system and has two main processes for storing and modifying […]

Adaptive Tech: What is it?

Adaptive technology refers to technology for people with disabilities and technology that adapts to users’ needs. Some technologies developed for disabilities have applications for other populations. Examples include screen readers, touchpads, predictive text, and adaptive search algorithms. Advanced adaptive technologies focus on the needs of blind users and those who cannot use high-speed keyboards and […]

What’s Adaptive Learning?

Adaptive learning is the use of technology to assist students in learning new material. It has four aspects: content management, instructor access, system security, and student activity monitoring. A strategy must be in place to address all four issues before implementing a solution. Adaptive learning has been successful in Europe and Asia since the mid-1990s, […]

What’s an adaptive neural net?

Adaptive neural networks process information and make changes to the network when needed. They are used in computer systems and organic life forms. Man-made adaptive neural networks are modeled after natural neural networks. They learn through supervised or unsupervised learning and can perform tasks such as clustering, pattern recognition, function estimation, and prediction. They are […]

What’s Adaptive Software?

Adaptive software responds to user needs and changes in the operating environment without causing program failure. It runs on specialized hardware for people with physical impairments and allows them to use computers. Examples include speech recognition and text-to-speech software, as well as devices like large mice and scanners. Adaptive software enables people with physical limitations […]

Types of adaptive devices?

Adaptive devices help people with physical limitations or disabilities to lead independent lives. They can improve mobility, daily activities, hearing, vision, and communication. Examples include canes, wheelchairs, grab bars, hearing aids, and communication cards. These devices allow people of all ages to participate in their communities and maintain independence. Adaptive devices are equipment or technology […]

What’s Adaptive Software Development?

Adaptive software development is a rapid and evolving approach to building software systems, with no real endpoint. It involves a lack of planning and a focus on coding, allowing for quick updates and added features. The process consists of three phases: speculation, collaboration, and learning. Adaptive software development is a design principle for building software […]

Adaptive Immunity: What is it?

Adaptive immunity is the body’s response to infectious agents previously encountered, resulting in a faster and more effective response. It depends on recognizing antigens and can wear off over time. Autoimmune diseases can cause inadequate adaptive immune responses and require treatment with drugs. Adaptive immunity is an important part of the immune system that governs […]

Adaptive algorithm: what is it?

Adaptive algorithms adjust their activities to achieve the best result in changing circumstances. They can learn from user behavior and be programmed to do anything from air traffic control to returning search results. They require special considerations and can override normal instructions in urgent situations. An adaptive algorithm is a set of instructions to perform […]

What’s the adaptive immune system?

The adaptive immune system targets pathogens and remembers them to fight them better in the future. The innate immune system is the body’s first reaction to a pathogen. Lymphocytes make up the adaptive immune system and B cells produce antibodies while T cells attack pathogens directly. Vaccinations activate the adaptive immune system and autoimmune diseases […]

Adaptive Routing: What is it?

Adaptive routing finds a clear path through a network of nodes that can change. It’s used in computer networks, GPS, and AI. The internet uses adaptive routing algorithms to find new routes if necessary. Fixed route networks have set paths, but can fail if a vital node is compromised. Different protocols are used for different […]

What’s Adaptive Control?

Adaptive control is a dynamic approach to controlling systems that responds to changing conditions and improves control. It requires artificial intelligence, data analysis, and high processing speed. It can be used in vehicles, networks, and other computer systems. Skilled professionals in engineering, electronics, computer science, and robotics are needed to design functional adaptive control systems. […]

What’s an adaptive controller?

Adaptive controllers continuously evaluate and adapt to regulate industrial processes, such as maintaining cooking temperature. There are two types of setpoint control, on-off and throttling, with PID being the most common algorithm. Adaptive control is used in aviation, industrial process control, and transportation, including cruise control. Predictive variability adaptive controllers are pre-programmed to change PID […]

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