Best Admiralty law firm selection?

An admiralty law firm can protect personal and business assets from irresponsible actions on the high seas. Look for firms with a track record of successful litigation, academic credentials, experience in Admiralty Courts, and knowledge of international maritime law. Your personal and business assets can be endangered by the irresponsible actions of others on the […]

What’s an Admiralty Court?

Admiralty courts hear civil and criminal cases on the high seas, with authority from national constitutions and international agreements. They determine a ship’s country of origin and hear cases involving compensation of seamen, damage to shipping, and loss of property at sea. The UK established the first official admiralty courts in the 15th century, and […]

What’s Admiralty jurisdiction?

Admiralty jurisdiction refers to a nation’s authority to hear cases arising from actions on navigable waters. It includes torts, criminal offenses, and contractual disputes. Nations derive this authority from their constitutions or charters. The exercise of admiralty jurisdiction establishes national admiralty law, which is separate from the law of the sea. Courts refine the scope […]

Admiralty vs. Maritime Law: What’s the Difference?

Admiralty law historically covered torts and contracts on the high seas, while maritime law covered all other legal disputes on navigable waters. The distinction has faded, and US courts use the terms interchangeably. Federal courts have developed the meaning of the terms over time. Federal courts continue to have jurisdiction, but states can exercise jurisdiction […]

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