Was Alan Turing weird?

Alan Turing was a brilliant mathematician and war hero who founded modern computing. He suffered from paranoia, which was a result of his troubled personal life, and tragically committed suicide in 1954. Turing’s work laid the foundation for modern computation and artificial intelligence. The Apple logo may have been inspired by him. Alan Turing was […]

Who’s Alan Alda?

Alan Alda, known for his role as Hawkeye Pierce in M*A*S*H*, has had a successful career spanning over half a century. He displayed his acting skills in his Emmy-winning portrayal of Senator Arnold Vinick in The West Wing. Alda’s difficult childhood, including battling polio and his mother’s schizophrenia, was overcome with the support of his […]

Who’s Alan Turing?

Alan Turing, a British mathematician and cryptographer, is considered the father of computer science. He broke the Nazi German Enigma code during WWII and formulated ideas like the Turing machine and Church-Turing thesis. The latter states that any algorithm can be run on a Turing machine, which can theoretically compute any algorithm given enough time […]

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