Algae and iodine: any link?

Kelp is a seaweed rich in iodine, vitamins, and minerals. Iodine is essential for thyroid function and deficiencies can cause goiters and developmental delays. Kelp is also important for the oceanic ecosystem and available in various forms for consumption. Iodine deficiency can lead to goiters and cretinism, but iodized salt can combat these issues. Kelp […]

Green vs. Brown Algae: What’s the Difference?

Green and brown algae are eukaryotic multicellular organisms belonging to different kingdoms. Brown algae, such as kelp and Sargassum, are mostly marine and use fucoxanthin to absorb sunlight. Green algae, the most primitive group of Plantae, are more common in freshwater. Both are important producers in aquatic ecosystems and provide food for many fish. Green […]

What’s Algae Fuel?

Algae fuel can be produced in various ways, including the extraction of oils and gasification of biomass. Algae can be used to create different biofuels, and it is a renewable and energy-dense biomass that can be grown in less space than other crops. Algae fuel can be created using bioreactors and different food sources. Processes […]

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