What’s the Alien Tort Claims Act?

The Alien Tort Claims Act allows aliens in the US to bring civil claims in cases where laws violate international standards or treaties. It was introduced in 1789 and used in human rights lawsuits, providing a mechanism for victims to sue in situations where their rights have been violated. While useful, some fear the law […]

Could world unite against alien threat?

During the 1985 Geneva summit, US President Reagan asked Soviet Premier Gorbachev if the Soviet Union would help the US if it was attacked by aliens. Gorbachev replied that they would. The conversation was kept secret until a 2009 interview with Gorbachev, George P. Shultz, and Charlie Rose. Reagan often cited the hypothetical threat of […]

Alien life discovery: How would people react?

A study by Arizona State University found that people would generally react positively to the discovery of extraterrestrial microbes, although they were less sure about how their neighbors would feel. Another study by Glocalities found that 61% of respondents from 24 countries believe in life on other planets. What if people on Earth discovered that […]

What’s an Alien Relative Petition?

The USCIS Form I-130, or Foreign Relative Petition, is used by US citizens or permanent residents to help their relatives join them in the US. The form requires personal information about both parties and must be filled out completely and correctly. After approval, the relative can apply for an immigrant visa or legal permanent resident […]

What is an alien in constitutional law?

The Immigration and Nationality Act defines aliens as non-citizens residing in the US. Federal immigration laws determine the rights and obligations of aliens, including naturalization. Visas are granted based on the purpose and length of stay. The power to regulate immigration is reserved for Congress, and constitutional rights apply to all aliens, including undocumented ones. […]

Alien hand syndrome: what is it?

Alien hand syndrome is caused by damage to the connection between the left and right brain hemispheres, resulting in a hand that appears to have a mind of its own. It is often caused by stroke, infection, degenerative brain disorders, or traumatic brain injury. Treatment involves giving the alien hand something to grasp or some […]

What’s a non-resident alien?

Nonresident aliens are foreign citizens with permits to be in a host country, subject to taxation on income earned there. They are not residents and may be exempt from some taxes. The US uses two tests to determine nonresident status. A certificate of compliance may be needed upon leaving. Accurate tax and paperwork submission is […]

Did scientists make alien life?

Scientists created an “alien” life form with six genetic building blocks instead of the usual four, allowing for more information storage. This could lead to new drugs and vaccines. Gregor Mendel conducted the first research on gene inheritance in 1866. “Junk DNA” makes up one-fifth of DNA and does not code for proteins. Humans share […]

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