Types of alopecia?

Hair loss can occur due to biological factors, genetic mutations, hormones, or friction on hair follicles. Alopecia has several forms, including areata, universalis, male pattern baldness, and traction alopecia. Alopecia areata is caused by the immune system mistaking hair follicles for an invading pathogen. Alopecia universalis is the complete absence of hair on the head […]

Stress & alopecia: what’s the link?

Stress is a primary factor in alopecia, a condition where hair is lost on areas of the body that normally have hair. Alopecia comes in many forms and affects approximately 1% of the population. Stress and alopecia work in a cycle, and while there is no cure, treatments such as stress-reducing medications and hair growth […]

What’s androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenic alopecia causes hair loss in a distinct pattern, starting at the temples. It is caused by a high level of DHT, a male hormone, in the scalp. Treatment options include chemical and herbal treatments, as well as dietary changes. Androgenic alopecia is a form of hair loss that commonly affects both men and women. […]

What’s frontal fibrosing alopecia?

Frontal fibrosing alopecia is a condition that causes hair loss in a band-like formation on the front and sides of the head, affecting post-menopausal women. Its cause is unknown, and there is no known cure, but medications may slow its progression. Psychological support may be recommended due to body image issues. Frontal fibrosing alopecia, or […]

What’s scarring alopecia?

Scarring alopecia is a permanent hair loss condition caused by the destruction of follicles and the development of scar tissue. It can be primary or secondary, and treatment options vary depending on the cause. After treatment, patients can consider hair styling, shaving, implants, or wigs to cover the patch. Scarring alopecia is a type of […]

What’s diffuse alopecia?

Diffuse alopecia is a type of hair loss disorder that causes thinning hair all over the scalp, face, or body. It is suspected to be an inherited autoimmune disease and can be treated with corticosteroid injections, topical creams, or surgery. Alopecia areata is related to an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss in round bald […]

Eyebrow alopecia: what is it?

Eyebrow alopecia can be caused by various factors including autoimmune disorders, skin conditions, chemotherapy, heavy metal poisoning, and excessive plucking. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, but follicular serums can help stimulate hair growth. Eyebrow alopecia occurs when eyebrow hair falls out. Eyebrow hair loss can be total or partial and can occur due to […]

What’s alopecia?

Alopecia, or hair loss, can be caused by various factors including genetics, autoimmune diseases, fungal conditions, medications, and trichotillomania. Treatment options include steroids, minoxidil, and psychiatric counseling. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss or baldness. While most associate hair loss with male or female pattern baldness, there are actually numerous causes for alopecia. […]

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