What’s the Amazon Basin?

The Amazon Basin is a vast tropical rainforest in South America, covering over 3 million square miles and containing rich biodiversity. Its climate is unique with no dry spells or change of seasons. Deforestation and modern society threaten isolated tribes and their languages. Efforts are being made to protect natural habitats, and rainforest-friendly products are […]

“Is Amazon the world’s biggest river?”

Scientists discovered an underground aquifer beneath the Amazon River called Hamza River, nearly equal in length and twice the width of the Amazon. It is slower and carries less water than its above-ground partner. The Amazon is the world’s largest river by water flow volume and supplies 20% of the world’s fresh water. Everyone knows […]

IP capture on Amazon EC2: how effective?

Amazon’s cloud computing platform, EC2, has a new Elastic IP feature that expands its hosting capabilities. However, for projects requiring high availability, a load-balanced cluster within EC2 is limited by slow IP propagation times. A dedicated load balancing solution is needed for truly highly available clusters. April 24, 2008: Amazon is building a revolutionary cloud […]

What’s Amazon MTurk?

Amazon Mechanical Turk offers low-paying jobs that can be done online. Workers earn percentage points for completed tasks, and some jobs require qualifications or tests. Pay is usually low, making it more attractive to workers in developing countries. Payment is through Amazon gift cards or direct deposit, and workers are classified as independent contractors. It […]

How does Amazon ship so fast?

Amazon’s warehouses are intentionally disorganized to increase efficiency and ensure items are stored closer to where they are needed. The company ships about 5 billion Prime items a year and relies on electronic scanning and robots to move shelves. Jeff Bezos started Amazon in 1994 selling only books and every employee, including the CEO, works […]

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