How’s Lebanon unique among Mideast nations?

Lebanon is not like other Middle Eastern countries, as it lacks deserts but has mountains and fertile valleys. It has a unique climate where one can swim in the sea and ski in the same day. It also has a significant Christian population and Roman relics. Many people have the wrong idea about Lebanon. Yes, […]

What is First Among Peers?

Primus inter pares means “first among equals” and refers to the dominant person in a group of people who are nominally equal. Many organizations have a person or position with this status, including government officials, religious leaders, and the ancient Roman Senate. The title does not necessarily come with greater authority or power. Primus inter […]

Who had oddest pets among writers?

Patricia Highsmith, known for her thrillers, had a passion for animals, especially snails, which she raised in terrariums and even brought to parties. She preferred their company to people and spent much of her life on an isolated farm in Switzerland. Many well-known writers were also great pet lovers, from Ernest Hemingway and his six-toed […]

“Meaning of ‘Cat among pigeons’?”

The idiom “cat among pigeons” refers to intentionally causing a disturbance. It comes from Britain and describes the chaos that would ensue if a cat were released among captive birds. The phrase is not to be taken literally and has been used in literature and music. The phrase “cat among pigeons” is an idiom that […]

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