What’s a log amp?

Logarithmic amplifiers correct input signal shifts by converting them to a constant output voltage. They are used in electrical circuits, medical devices, video circuits, fiber optics, and wireless devices. Advances in technology have made them more efficient and there are now three types: log DC, baseband, and demodulating. Each type has its own specific usage […]

What’s a tuned amp?

Tuned amplifiers amplify specific electrical signals while blocking others. They are used in radios, TVs, and other communication equipment, as well as in aircraft, sound systems, and scientific instruments. They use band-pass filtering to allow only specific frequencies to pass through. They can have adjustable or fixed filters and amplifiers, and are found in nearly […]

What’s a voltage amp?

A voltage amplifier increases the voltage output higher than the input voltage, while a power amplifier creates a more powerful output. A voltage booster is used to transmit higher voltage across longer wires. Voltage amplifiers increase power passing through a circuit to achieve a desired result and are not suited for powering devices such as […]

Amp, volt, watt: what’s the difference?

Amps measure current, volts measure the strength of the flow, and watts are the total power released by a circuit per second. Ohms measure resistance. Understanding these terms is important for electrical work and evaluating electric bills. Amps, volts, and watts are all ways to measure different aspects of electricity. An ampere, or amp (A […]

What’s a Chopper Amp?

A chopper amplifier transforms DC signals into AC currents to increase signal gain without introducing noise or instability. Chopper circuits interrupt and manipulate signals, and are found in various devices. Chopper amplifiers are used in high-end electronic signal equipment and heavy machinery, and are commonly found in hall probes used to measure changes in magnetic […]

What’s a bipolar amp?

A bipolar amplifier outputs multiple signals based on the polarity of the input signal and adds gain while minimizing noise. Its design reduces noise and impedance matching is used to reduce noise generated by circuit components. Bipolar amplifiers are advantageous in reducing noise and are often used in broadcasting. A bipolar amplifier is a signal […]

Best computer audio amp: how to choose?

Different types of computer audio amplifiers are available for gamers, movie buffs, and musicians. Surround sound systems are ideal for gamers and movie buffs, while musicians prefer audio interfaces with at least one audio input. Headphone amplifiers are suitable for sending audio to multiple pairs of headphones. It is important to ensure compatibility with your […]

What’s an inverting amp?

An inverting amplifier reverses current flow to produce more power. It can shift the phase of waves and increase current output. It uses negative feedback and can be simple or complex. It is used in plasma arc cutting and welding equipment and can provide a low-cost alternative to other electrical devices. An inverting amplifier is […]

What’s an Iso Amp?

Isolation amplifiers protect delicate computer components from electrical power fluctuations. They block unwanted electrical activity and allow necessary activity to pass. They are commonly used to keep electrical and data input systems separate and to protect potentially hazardous environments. They also keep two components of one system separate and protected from unwanted electrical surges in […]

What’s an EEG Amp?

EEG measures electrical activity in the brain via electrodes on the scalp. The signals are amplified and recorded as brainwaves, which can be grouped into different frequencies. EEGs are used to record brain activity during different behaviors and to measure epileptic activity. Electroencephalography (EEG) is the measurement of electrical activity in the brain. The measurement […]

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